Example sentences of "could [vb infin] [verb] [pron] from " in BNC.

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1 It was all I could do to stop myself from shaking her until her neat white teeth rattled .
2 The tears on Cullam 's cheeks awoke in him a nausea and a rage so fierce that it was all he could do to prevent himself from striking him .
3 She was off-balance — nothing she could do to prevent herself from turning towards him as his grip pulled her in .
4 It was as much as Millie could do to check herself from saying , ‘ Oh , I do n't think I should do that .
5 It was as much as she could do to restrain herself from rushing forward to grasp his hand in a gesture of sympathy and solidarity .
6 She was buoyed up suddenly on the wave of amazement and admiration that she could feel enveloping her from across the whole room .
7 With the political will we could begin to change it from the time of the first by-election of the present parliament .
8 Could have done it from the front .
9 In capture theories more possibilities open up : the Moon could have suffered its late heavy bombardment as it tumbled through space before capture ; it could have suffered it from debris already in orbit around the Earth or the large basins alone could have arisen from such debris ; or it could have been bombarded by material which entered the Earth-Moon system after the Earth had captured the Moon .
10 Only on his way home did he suddenly realize that illness could have prevented her from meeting him , and only when he entered the farmhouse that evening did he discover that she was dead .
11 But by the end she chose to overplay her hand and lost the sympathy of those who could have saved her from her last indignities — though perhaps not from the bottle .
12 If he could have pulled her into his arms at that moment he knew nothing could have stopped him from making love to her .
13 Not that he could have stopped himself from remembering .
14 The other girls went together in a group but I was on my own , and I suppose someone could have followed me from the dance …
15 These hip replacements could have cost anything from £200 to £1,500 each , but they 've got one thing in common .
16 Goering could have shot him from the skies .
17 Whoever was inside could have seen him from the windows .
18 Before the surrounding land was built over in the last century and subsequently , you could have seen it from miles away in every direction .
19 It was likely that , just as Theodora had seen the car from the bridal path , Miss Dersingham could have seen it from the House .
20 I could not help feeling that if we could have had him from the moment of the return of Civil Government Burma would have been in a happier and more disciplined condition , ready to see the real task which the nation would have to face as soon as its political future was decided .
21 She wears an enormous white sweatshirt so bulky that she could have had it from Ludo .
22 ‘ If Sabine Jourdain could have broken away from him any time she chose , it must be equally true that Durance could have torn himself from those admirers . ’
23 He could have got one from the kitchen , but I expect he 'd locked up after he 'd brought the supper up . ’
24 However , it seemed that each sex could have learnt something from the other on this occasion ; by the end of the day , the beautifully laid-out nursery , ready to provide the young arrivals with constructive play activities , was reduced to utter chaos from the tidal force of juvenile anarchy .
25 And then he likewise tricked me into employing you as her tutor in order that he could continue to divert her from her studies . ’
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