Example sentences of "could [be] [verb] to a " in BNC.

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1 Under existing legislation , the youths could be sentenced to a maximum of two years in prison or fined up to $10,000 , if found guilty .
2 Some seem to have thought that if a case could be traced to a feud , it was false .
3 Puddephat 's anger , the paper said , could be traced to a most unflattering review of his new book , written by Sykes , in the TLS .
4 preferred to play safe and order bodies which could be transferred to a narrow gauge system if the standard gauge system for which they were ordered proved a failure .
5 It will now be for the Home Secretary to decided when he 'd released although he could be transferred to a hospital in France .
6 From this it was concluded that , although the principles of identifying systemic information links by this method appeared sound and it could be achieved to a limited extent by using the facilities of a flat-file database , it would not be cost-effective to pursue without access to more sophisticated technology .
7 Here were good and robust buildings , loved by local residents , which could be converted to a range of uses , but were to be demolished and replaced with mediocre high street architecture .
8 Similarly , a garment originally designed with one type of sleeve could be loaded from disk and altered to have a different sleeve type , or a sweater could be converted to a cardigan .
9 The existing international airport , at Subang outside Kuala Lumpur , could be converted to a domestic , cargo or military airport .
10 Some of it could be ascribed to a basic weakness in the Council of Ministers ' decision-making machinery .
11 For the authors of this study there was a clear expectation that individuals would commonly produce patterned responses which could be ascribed to a particular personality type .
12 He emphasized that peace had to be preserved for the entire human race and not for particular sections of it , pointing out that the word ‘ civilization ’ could be applied to a wide diversity of values .
13 The legislation 's loose definition of a ‘ British ’ film , as one made by a British company in a British studio using a certain percentage of British crew , could be applied to a picture made by a British subsidiary of a US major , using an American director , writer and key cast .
14 A difficulty is that Mercier 's brushwork , and an essential freedom in his style , does not lend itself to the same kind of minute scrutiny that could be applied to a painter like Zoffany .
15 HCIMA 's technical Advisory Group ( TAG ) published a technical brief entitled BS5750 — Quality system Guidelines , designed to give an overview of British Standards ( BS ) 5750 and suggest how it could be applied to a hotel and catering operation .
16 He 'd worked for firearms makers Springfield and Samuel Colt before beginning his own company in 1890 , and knew that identical parts could be made to a standard that meant they were interchangeable .
17 A false report of theft could be made to a next-door neighbour , perhaps to cover up for dealing with property wrongfully , and then the neighbour could make a genuine report to the police about the false theft , thereby causing police time to be wasted .
18 They were not thought particularly interesting , until , in 1952 , Herring and Galt chanced to bend some tin whiskers and noticed that they could be bent to a strain of about 2 per cent and still recover elastically .
19 Vagrants were always discouraged , and those who were able to work , but were not willing to do so , could be sent to a local House of Correction .
20 He was remanded in custody for enquiries to be made if he could be sent to a probation hostel .
21 I du n no , I du n no whether he 's erm he really could be , I mean he could be the thing is he could be compared to a hobo .
22 To that end , powers were vested by the FSA in the Secretary of State ( the relevant department being originally the Department of Trade and Industry and subsequently the Treasury ) , some of which powers could be delegated to a " designated agency " , a non-statutory body .
23 Payments could be limited to a maximum number of patients per general practitioner which would stop the protests that a single handed general practitioner with a list of 3000 in an area of high deprivation receives an extra £28 800 a year without any obligation to provide extra services .
24 For example , Keith could be referred to a psychologist because he is … ‘ hyperactive and aggressive ’ or Andrew 's ‘ wistfulness ’ might be interpreted by someone else as indicative of a psychiatric problem .
25 Held , allowing the appeal and the cross-appeal , that under the terms of the mortgage and other deeds the defendants were entitled to recover their actual costs , charges and expenses except for any costs that had not been reasonably incurred or were unreasonable in amount ; that both litigation and non-litigation costs could be referred to a taxing for quantification ; that the defendants were contractually entitled to payment on an indemnity basis as defined by R.S.C. , Ord. 62 , r. 12(2) ; that the court 's discretion as to the basis of taxation of a mortgagee 's costs , charges and expenses should normally be exercised so as to correspond with the contractual entitlement ; and that , accordingly , the master had power to order that the contractual costs , charges and expenses and the costs incurred in the litigation be taxed on an indemnity basis including those costs ordered to be taxed on a standard basis ( post , pp. 735E–F , 736B–C , 737E–F , 739A–C , 741H — 742D , E–H ) .
26 " In that case , " said the second brother , " I wish all these doves could be turned to a herd of cattle , and I wish they belonged to me . "
27 He said : ‘ Edwards is the best support player in the game but it 's no use having him hanging about in the wings when the experience could be given to a younger player .
28 Many fear that France could be relegated to a secondary role .
29 The automatic gateway supports automatic distributed queries and automatic distributed transactions that span Oracle and non-Oracle data sources , so that the savings account described above could be moved to a DB2 database on an IBM mainframe in Los Angeles , and the same SQL query and update transactions that worked when all of the data was in an Oracle database will continue to work .
30 With her sensuous smile and her bare shoulders , she could be likened to a contented cat who knows she has found a good home .
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