Example sentences of "could [be] [verb] as a " in BNC.

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1 He states that the Causey Mounth , isolated from heavy traffic , could be developed as a commuter route for cyclists and for other leisure and recreational uses .
2 Because the range of possible adaptations was unlimited , the relationships could be represented as a branching tree-like pattern , with new branches being added whenever some totally new ( and unpredictable ) form of animal life was discovered .
3 The great expenditure on education could be justified as a means to a thoroughly acceptable common end : economic growth .
4 But this did not prevent the Dominicans from setting out that war could be justified as a means of restoring order in situations of political or social disharmony , for instance between territories ( here we see the beginnings of the idea of the territorial unit and the defence of its justifiable rights ) or between sovereign rulers and their vassals ( if the vassal chose to rebel against his lord and thus fell into a state of disobedience ) .
5 This leads Johnes to question whether raising academic standards for entry , in terms of A-level scores , could be justified as a satisfactory way of substantially reducing wastage rates , given the complex range of factors which are involved in predicting success in higher education , and that raising entry standards in this way would almost certainly bar students capable of obtaining a degree .
6 GNP could be vindicated as a measure of welfare by this finding .
7 At last , the dirty , happy , noisy child could be accepted as a good child .
8 The Government insisted its policy was a straightforward ‘ no deals with terrorists ’ , but the idea that ‘ no deals ’ could be accepted as a comprehensive response appalled me .
9 The human race could be accepted as a product of Nature 's development because that development was instituted by the Creator as an indirect means of achieving His goal .
10 On rare occasions , too , handcuffs could be applied as a punishment .
11 These , and other changes , all contributed to the doubling of productivity within those six years , and he is optimistic that it could be trebled as a result of the fast , electronic and computer assisted information that is now available .
12 And the requirements of democracy for full information could be quashed as a threat to national security .
13 It could be handled as a problem of vital statistics , housing administration , minimum wage legislation , child nutrition , national insurance , teachers ' salary scales , coal mining economics , feminism , social philosophy or pure finance ’ ( Stocks , 1949 , p. 102 ) .
14 A philosophical conservative , he would have sympathized with the view of his father , a defender of natural theology , that the life of science could be understood as a sacred duty .
15 Women 's lesser aggressiveness , for instance , which could be understood as a positive characteristic , is generally associated with deficits in socially-valued traits like competitiveness and achievement motivation .
16 The concept of geographical provinces may have gained some currency because it could be understood as a biological equivalent of the nations of humanity — and the early nineteenth century was a period of strong nationalist feelings .
17 Honey had been the only sweetener ; sugar had been as expensive as cinnamon or cloves and it could be taxed as a luxury in the firm belief that this would not make life harder for the working classes who were not thought to be consumers of sugar , though this was clearly changing in the eighteenth century .
18 The lack of welfare officers , the rarity of home leave , the concept of visits and letter-writing as a privilege which could be withdrawn as a punishment , and the denial of permission to keep family photographs , were all indications of an absence of serious interest in helping to maintain a prisoner 's contacts with the outside world .
19 Following his return to Japan , Kaifu on Oct. 12 addressed the Japanese parliament at the beginning of a special 30-day session , called to discuss the issue of whether Japanese Self-Defence Force personnel could be sent as a " peace corps " of civilians and soldiers to participate in UN peacekeeping missions to the Gulf .
20 Few mystical treatises get off to a more intriguing start than The Fire of Love , which describes the first time Rolle became aware of a heat in his breast which , he insists , was not imaginary or metaphorical but which could be felt as a finger felt the heat of the flames in which it had been thrust .
21 James broke with the SWP following the protracted debate on the question of whether or not the Soviet Union could be defended as a workers ' state .
22 It was beyond possibility that he could be recognized as a policeman , yet he had not even been given a coquettish smile .
23 The former would be a seminar or course , while the latter could be serving as a local councillor .
24 Arguably the process of centralization which has taken place could be presented as a necessary precursor to the decentralization of power which is desired .
25 Fujitsu would benefit from having Siemens ' muscle behind the Sparc-based product line that ICL and Fujitsu produce , and once ICL floats on the London Stock Exchange , an ICL-Siemens alliance could be presented as a ‘ European ’ solution .
26 In 1621 the French mathematician Bachet de Meziriac observed that apparently every positive number could be expressed as a sum of at most four squares .
27 Public relations , she sometimes thought , could be defined as a series of crises created by other people .
28 This could be seen as a sign of healthy growth and change ; yet the new fittings and equipment installed are usually totally insensitive to the design quality of the original .
29 The focus of what could be seen as a heartfelt cry for commercial sanity to be restored to the sport centred upon one simple but now all-consuming issue — money !
30 ‘ We have to recognise the strong feelings among black and white people that the party should not set up an organisation which is racially exclusive , and could be seen as a form of apartheid . ’
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