Example sentences of "could [adv] [vb infin] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( This was a point on which Barth seems to have given Ritschl little credit ; but Ritschl so represented the things against which Barth was having to fight that he could rarely find anything at all to praise in him .
2 Some industry watchers espouse the theory that says Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp picked on the COSE move as a way out of OSF and that OSF could eventually find itself with its funding terminated and its sponsors telling it it 's a for-profit software developer .
3 And if the deceased director owned a majority shareholding , the surviving directors could suddenly find themselves with a new boss .
4 Feeling wretched and embarrassed , Ellie offered impulsively , ‘ I could run you into Dublin tomorrow and you could perhaps change it for something else .
5 If you feel very strongly that the background to the Unit 's formation needs to be set out , I could perhaps draft it in the form of an ( again brief ) annexe .
6 ‘ On the other hand , ’ Flittern said , folding himself onto the bench beside her , ‘ we could perhaps tempt you with a bottled rogue amorous thought , distilled at the first quarter of the moon , and salted with a spark of starlight .
7 Yeah you could , you could perhaps get him on that , yes .
8 Well , I was thinking we could perhaps take her to Blagden Hall now that 's open .
9 I saw that there was not even a ripple of low pressure off to the east , which was the reassurance I wanted , for a depression to the east could swiftly twist itself into a full-blooded storm .
10 I played the drums when I had to , I played the bass when I had to , and I felt after a while I could kinda have it as my own .
11 It was a disappointing night for Swindon Town too … they could only draw nil-nil against struggling Birmingham in the league …
12 It horrified her to think how foolish she had been and she could only excuse herself on the grounds that she had suffered some kind of fit .
13 The world is littered with communities which believe that if they could only separate themselves from the world , they would escape the consequences of original sin .
14 So marvelous was the migrating instinct of birds that he could only ascribe it to the superior intelligence of their Creator .
15 Rubberneck could only compare it with a wedding , the crush , as a fight , when the cars drove off and they always threw out coins .
16 Ruth could only blame herself for being so blind and gullible .
17 She still had an edge , Ma , you could only hand it to her .
18 I discovered he was teething — the sucking made his gums sore so he could only do it for a short time .
19 We felt we could only do it through local pressure , using the media and direct action ’ , a member of the group recalled .
20 ‘ If the weather 's dry and if you do n't mind how you treat your car — or maybe you could only do it in a jeep , I 've never tried it .
21 Many girls fell in love with him but could only admire him from afar .
22 A system where the user presses a series of buttons without thought and gets exactly what he needs ( rather than what he at that stage thinks he wants ) is efficient but not entirely educational , any more than one so difficult that the user could only throw himself at the mercy of the person sitting at the reader 's adviser desk .
23 Apparently , the free spending Italian club AC Milan were so taken with him that they offered Celtic a fee of £100,000 for his services , only to recoil in fear when the club 's manager Jock Stein told him they could only rent him for one game for that amount .
24 Then a young woman — dark , quite a looker if you liked that sort of thing but a bit too full of herself for Bennett 's liking — walked into the club and announced that she was the dinner guest of Sir Robin Day , he could only treat her to his coldly disapproving smile and direct her to the ladies ' bar .
25 The verderers ' familiarity with the district from earlier years could only serve them in a general way , for the woodland paths varied from season to season .
26 Was this a habit he had grown into over the years or had he always been like this , turning his wife into an invalid before there was any real need , a man who could only see himself in a solicitous relationship with other people ?
27 Which is sold everywhere today , you could only buy it in a chemist shop , tea .
28 The Kilns venture was highly unusual , and the Lewis brothers knew that they could only afford it by taking the great risk of throwing in their lot together ; in the event the purchase price was lowered to £3,300 .
29 It is possible to imagine that one of them was brightening with the low cunning of unscrupulous greed and that the other was already stepping into that heavy gloom of shame and guilt which could only take him to the hospital or worse .
30 I learned that sex without emotional involvement or more than a fleeting physical attraction was more sad than fulfilling and that ‘ getting even ’ could only motivate me for so long — particularly since my husband was blithely unaware that I was evening the score .
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