Example sentences of "could [adv] see [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We had to stand in the pissing down rain , with the cockney scum , and whats more I could only see one goal , and not even the goal that we scored in .
2 He could only see one man at the back of the plane , refuelling it .
3 He could only see one ear , some damp hair .
4 But she could only see little Gabriels , wearing small red anoraks and sporting hair that stood on end no matter how she tried to brush it down .
5 You could already see those vipers sorting out the Ambre Solaire .
6 BELFAST could soon see annual profits of over £1m go up in smoke and become a dumping ground for waste from all over Europe , it was warned today .
7 He turned the newspaper over so that he could not see that headline and those paragraphs .
8 When Tony was seen in hospital by the therapist on the following morning he denied having wanted to kill himself , but claimed he was fed up and could not see any way out of his present difficulties .
9 First she could not see any mistress there at all and thought the girls were alone and then she caught sight of Mademoiselle 's head in the middle of a crowd of girls , what was happening ?
10 From the window she could not see any trees or houses , only wild land , which looked like a kind of purple sea .
11 It was found that although a four-week tutorial programme had been prepared , the children in the mainstream school were far more receptive and accepting of the situation and could not see any reason for delaying the child 's integration .
12 In the dark and freezing mist he could not see ten yards .
13 When she was at the premiere of The Delinquents she was wearing this designer dress and it was black and cut up one side , so that you could just see one leg ; it looked awful , Some people only wear things because they have a designer label .
14 And as a background she could still see those policemen going in and out of the house in Mouncy Street the day she had seen John Coffin sitting outside .
15 There had been a storm the previous day and she could still see white horses in the bay from where she was sitting by a south-facing window .
16 And always in my attic , in our bedroom , as kids , you could always see dried dock leaves and dried stinking nanny , for poultices , for abscesses and boils .
17 Central defenders Flowers and Partner could also see some action this evening .
18 Through the oculus Lexandro could now see crenellated parapets overhanging space , stained-glass galleries , battle banners springing from the tips of spires stiffly in the void , and the bristling snouts of defence lasers .
19 But when Jasmine was born they put Joan in a room by herself at the hospital so she could n't see other fathers cuddling their first-born as Bobby would have done .
20 Some of the things I could n't see included Loch Lyon to the east with Ben Lawers beyond , Ben More to the south , Ben Lui to the south-west and lovely Glen Orchy to the west leading to Ben Cruachan .
21 I could n't see many people ; most of the lights had been turned off , and we happened to be sitting in the patch of light thrown by one small lamp .
22 I could n't see much point in viewing this perfectly healthy animal again but I promised to call .
23 But he could n't see that happening to Henry .
24 I could do with a cup of tea now I know that , oh I could n't see that signpost
25 The land around them did n't seem a lot different to the place they 'd left , except that the vegetation was lower and Masklin could n't see any water .
26 The companies found this a major block to their activities and eventually pulled out from the area : ‘ The companies never officially admitted that they were leaving , just sort of let their prospecting licences lapse … the reason they departed was because they could n't see any way that they could effectively operate with such total opposition .
27 Could n't see any sign of nervousness myself but er I 'm very happy with his sermons , quite good .
28 Preston glanced guiltily towards the rug by the fire but he could n't see any stains , not from here at least .
29 I could n't see any mums about the place .
30 But he could n't see any opening locally to take up farming on his own .
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