Example sentences of "could [adv] [verb] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Like her father Elizabeth could only pay for war by resorting to forced loans , benevolences , and various other devices that proved unpopular in the long run , although , to her credit , she never debased the coinage .
2 ( vi ) If the court should hold that a right to sue in libel must be allowed to a local government authority , then , in the alternative , this court should , in extending the law of libel to permit actions by a local authority , impose particular restrictions or limitations upon the cause of action , namely that a local authority could only sue for libel upon proof of special damage ; and that the council would be required to prove both the falsity of the allegation and that it was published maliciously .
3 Robbie could scarcely breathe for fury .
4 She could not hope for news every day … .
5 For a while it proved a highly successful combination , but eventually it became apparent that the Japanese spirit could not compensate for inferiority in industrial strength and natural resources in dispelling any sense of national insecurity .
6 It was clearly foreseen , though not stated , that these would be drawn mainly from the workhouses , either because the relatives of the dead could not pay for interment , or because they had not been notified of death .
7 Eb could not scream for help , because his jaws were gagged with a handful of dirty cotton-waste , and every time he slipped on the wet paving-stones , they hauled him back to his feet with a blow and a curse , dragging him with them .
8 Of course I could not apply for leave until I knew when Leslie would get his .
9 Apparently the woman who is now so famous that her every offhand comments is carved in tablets of stone for FRANK SINATRA to jump up and down on , could not qualify for tea , biscuits and fainting spells because she 's seriously underweight .
10 If a third party could not sue for damage caused to him by the former I can see no reason why he should be entitled to sue for damage caused to him by the latter .
11 On the other hand , a fraudulent statement to a third party is unlawful means even though the third party could not sue for tort because he suffers no damage .
12 The assertion by Pollock C.B. quoted above that a corporation could not sue for libel in respect of a charge of corruption , because a corporation can not be guilty of corruption , appears to have been the foundation for the decision by a Divisional Court in Manchester Corporation v. Williams [ 1891 ] 1 Q.B. 94 , but more fully reported in 63 L.T. 805 .
13 He too repeated the assertion that a corporation could not sue for libel in respect of a charge of corruption because it can not be guilty of corruption , but this assertion was unnecessary for his decision in the case and was obiter .
14 ( vii ) If the court reaches the point of weighing the social needs in issue , first that of securing to the council the effective means in law of protecting its reputation and , secondly , that of protecting the right of free expression of the people of this country , the court should hold that the remaining remedies for the council , if it could not sue for libel , and in particular the action for malicious falsehood , would not be a sufficient protection for the council 's reputation , and the ability of a local authority such as the council to sue for libel would not improperly or unnecessarily restrict free expression .
15 The Divisional Court in Manchester Corporation v. Williams [ 1891 ] 1 Q.B. 94 held , on a preliminary point , that Manchester Corporation could not sue for libel in respect of a charge of bribery and corruption since a corporation was unable to be guilty of corruption , following the dicta of Pollock C.B. in the Metropolitan Saloon Omnibus Co. case .
16 God never made a woman that one could not have for money . )
17 He could hardly wait for dinner-time when he would have the chance to speak to Evelyn .
18 You could hardly wait for dark
19 Evelyn could hardly wait for dinner time so that she could say something to Jackie .
20 Dear people who could hardly write for arthritis , who had to send aged husbands staggering out in the frost to find something suitable , people whom I had hardly seen and had exchanged no more than the shiest of glances were sending me pictures of daffodils , valleys , seas and mountains .
21 He pushed her gently down on to the settee and sat so close to her that she could hardly breathe for fear that she 'd betray how much she wanted him .
22 Is the evidence so complex or specialized that the average lay person could reasonably wish for expert help in assembling and evaluating the evidence and in testing or interpreting it ?
23 Inflation in March falling from 4.1 p.c. to 4.0 p.c. , instead of to the expected 3.8 p.c. , could also make for caution , analysts believe .
24 No hard and fast rules governed the setting up and running of the joint authorities , which could simply go for post-sharing and joint-buying or could opt for combined contracting .
25 In other words , you could n't stand for office in Harlow and say for instance erm if erm if we er win the election we 're gon na stop the sale of council houses .
26 He could n't pay for Yussuf .
27 He had never seen her mother or her aunt so he could n't look for family resemblances .
28 Sebastian Coe ( he gives Sheffield a bad name — he stood for Parliament because he could n't run for toffee )
29 Essex County Council , the Conservatives could n't run for office there and say if we 're elected we intend to er privatize the entire education system and stop financing it .
30 Some IMC trooper obviously could n't wait for lunch .
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