Example sentences of "could [verb] the first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , if only I could win the first prize ! ’ breathed Angela .
2 we could do the first bits and about an hour really , this weekend not at work or anything .
3 It is unlikely that any of us could remember the first time we saw our own reflection ( mirrors often form part of toys aimed at very small babies , such as activity mats or cot toys , and there are , of course , lakes , kettles and other possibilities for reflection ) ; what is likely is that it was a member of our family ( probably our mother ) who told us : ‘ That 's you , that 's what you look like ’ .
4 He could remember the first time that he 'd stepped outside into country darkness and closed the door behind him ; it was as if he 'd been struck blind with the click of the latch , and he 'd begun to panic at his inability even to tell which way was up .
5 In his last years Monet stumbled upon the exquisite notion that colour in itself could become the first subject for his art ; painting has never looked back/
6 As a result it could become the first estate in the area to have a 20mph speed limit introduced .
7 Wiltshire could become the first county in Britain to ban foxhunting on county council land .
8 Angel could see the first light in the east .
9 If , however , the staffing improvement can be imaginatively exploited to create links between the special school provision , other special provision and primary or secondary schools then it could create the first stages of a unified , coherent service whose institutional boundaries are eroded .
10 For solar flares , a system of early warning satellites around the Sun could detect the first sign of trouble .
11 But could ruin the first half , forward inside the p Shrewsbury penalty area , being forced to run wide though that was good play by .
12 Erm because the report is er quite a long report mainly the er part of the report erm I will pick out the most important comments and if I could take the first part of the report first erm this concerns a new staffing structure between er , newly emerged welfare rights and advice service .
13 Her mind refused to believe that anything could happen the first time one had intercourse .
14 A poor man who entered into a partnership could complete the first stage in a year to fifteen months ; he could start a partnership with a poorer man in two or three years .
15 I could wish the first chance that came her way was n't nursing some poor old woman with a weak chest .
16 Instead , the Armada sailed up channel and the watchers at Rame , including Carew , could view the first engagement of battle early that Sunday morning off Plymouth , with the first galleon exploding .
17 No Charlton player could match the first touch control of Newcastle midfielder Lee Clark who set up two of his side 's goals .
18 Russia could get the first half of its share ( half , in turn , of the total of up to $1 billion ) as early as May .
19 As he showed in a report , dated 30th March , 1839 , to the Commissioners of Woods and Forests , the existing offices could be retained until the new block was complete , and it could form the first stage in a complete rebuilding of both sides of Downing Street .
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