Example sentences of "could [verb] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 He carried no weapon save his own sharp needles and scissors , but it occurred to him that he could make do with the slivers of glass from the broken sarcophagus .
2 The only other regular vehicles to come by would be cement lorries , large yellow giants driven by steam which , as darkness fell , you could see coming with the fire boxes aglow .
3 And what 's more , how Leeds could have done with the Frenchman as they crashed to their fourth defeat in five games .
4 We could have done with the masks upstairs at the ‘ Music Journalism ’ gathering , where a group of rock writers were taking themselves — and their , ahem , Art — extremely seriously .
5 He refrained from ringing Fred up and stored Daisy 's dividend cheques in a drawer without cashing them , although he could have done with the money .
6 The price , to a cheetah , of growing larger leg muscles is all the other things that the cheetah could have done with the materials and energy used to make the leg muscles , for instance make more milk for cubs .
7 ‘ It seems to me that both you and Peter could have done with the friendly shoulder of a mother to pour out your troubles to — you 're reliving something from your past .
8 I could have done with the two hundred and thirty quid though
9 If the child is also refusing food , the problem could have developed with the parent 's trying to distract the child during feeding .
10 I remember this sign for when a small boy , I was puzzled as to what Tylees could have to do with the sea .
11 With regard to indirect discrimination , the EOC conducted a postal survey of all the applicants to the Society in one year to establish whether or not each candidate could have complied with the mobility requirement at the time that they applied for the job .
12 ‘ Being a hijra was the only possibility for me ; there was no other career I could have pursued with the body that was given to me at birth .
13 Indeed it is difficult to envisage how the adjustable peg system could have coped with the scale of this problem , whereas the system of floating exchange rates did .
14 The company also stressed that no drainage system could have coped with the amount of rain caused by such a ‘ freak ’ storm .
15 But — I believe I could learn to live with the memories , she thought .
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