Example sentences of "its way [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As our taxi made its way up the winding road to the north west of the island , we passed immaculate terraces filled with olive and citrus groves beneath which tethered goats grazed happily on the dry clumps of grass .
2 The van laboured its way up the final stretch of the brae , its engine protesting at the strain .
3 Aunt Tossie pushed her chair away from the tea table and reached for her latest square of needlework — a parrot clutching its way up the husky stem of a palm tree .
4 Huge bales of firewood were strapped to its back , but the donkey forced its way up the steep little path that served as a village street .
5 Somewhere outside , an oxcart was making its way up the steep hill upon which the Quinta de Santo António stood , and its wheels creaked and groaned abominably .
6 The area was once covered by a glacier hundreds of feet deep , carving valleys out of rock as it slowly ground its way towards the distant Tasman Sea .
7 Methodism had clearly not yet achieved the success that was to come its way during the nineteenth century .
8 For the past two days she had been dreading the proximity this trip would involve , but gradually , as the car wound its way along the narrow mountain roads , she could feel herself beginning to relax .
9 Cars streamed along the Embankment , their headlamps probing the dusk ; a barge slapped its way along the shimmering river .
10 Taking its way along the high sad wall confining the stableyard , it crossed , by a minute stone-walled bridge ( gateposts in exact relation to its height and arch were built into the walls tight as ingrowing toe-nails ) , the same stream that hurried down the garden hill .
11 Lindsey watched in fascination as the taxi laboriously made its way along the rising curve of the road taking them into the hills .
12 The Trees had crossed half of the floor now and the nearest one — Fenella could see now that it had been a Larch , elegant and slender — was already inching its way across the slimy black pool of the Melanisms , creating a kind of bridge .
13 The invading motorway , the M62 , sliced and slashed its way across the peaceful countryside , separating the lovely old Quaker Farm from some of its pastureland , which is now at the other side of the flyover which almost marks the boundary between Sandholme and Gilberdyke .
14 Every few minutes the guns would halt as some obstruction worked its way down the long column .
15 During the sweltering Id of 1333 , a camel caravan could be seen winding its way through the narrow passes and defiles of the Hindu Kush .
16 They crossed the strip of wasteland underneath the motorway link that came tunnelling and bridging its way through the hilly landscape , and entered a zone of fenced-off lots containing warehouses and sales-rooms , light industrial units and the offices of small businesses .
17 The earth smelt clean and sweet , and the sun was trying to pierce its way through the ragged dark clouds .
18 Somehow it must have found its way through the post-and-wire barrier that bounded the meadow , skipped farther on and got itself tangled in the barbs of the fencing at the top of the embankment beyond , above the railway line .
19 A can of Tetleys Bitter never tasted better as Jim and I soaked up the sun burning its way through the Californian coastal mist .
20 Pausing just long enough to sweep the old man 's triumphant face with an antagonistic look , Beth turned from them both and went , head high , out of the room and into the hallway , where the late March sunshine found its way through the tall arched windows , and where the air seemed relatively fresh compared to the musty damp smell of the old man 's den .
21 I plan a scene here in which the car makes its way through the vast landscape , the wounded Masai lying in the back .
22 Six years and the legal system is still working its way through the small print .
23 We heard the bus , from far off , growling its way through the still dusk .
24 The Tour du Mont Blanc is a high altitude rollercoaster route on a grand scale involving long ascents , high passes ( some over 8,000ft ) and equally long descents , as it picks its way through the seven main valleys — and three countries — which surround the massif .
25 From Bonn it heads north across the relatively flat north German plain , but southward it has to cut its way through the hard rocks of the Taunus range where narrow gorges once made the upper reaches of the river dangerous to navigate .
26 The bus ground its way through the heavy New York traffic toward the middle of the city .
27 He swung it in a glittering arc , and it sliced through the table as though it were butter , carving its way through the heavy wood and jarring his arm , striking sparks off the stone floor .
28 One of them was two metres long and must have had a devastating effect on the plants as it browsed its way through the wet green bogs .
29 Experience all the glamour and nostalgia of the world 's most romantic train as it winds its way through the English countryside .
30 The shape of a tapir makes it possible for it to push its way through the thick undergrowth at considerable speed .
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