Example sentences of "its [noun pl] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I think the government should slow down on all its activities at the present time and concentrate on getting the economy right , and everything else put on the back burner .
2 Acer America Corporation , which really wants to be a player in the reconstituted ‘ minicomputer ’ market , will be busy this week shoring up its defences at the low end .
3 He managed to convey some contempt for the TAS and its operations at the same time .
4 Like Hornblower , whose temperament was delighting readers with its contradictions at the same time as that of the Quinn adventures , Septimus has adopted certain measures of what could be called self-defence .
5 It believes DEC is more than capable of meeting its goals at the top end of the market — in the same way that Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp capitalised on the performance of their respective HP 9000 Series 700 and RS/6000 lines when they were introduced .
6 It believes DEC is more than capable of meeting its goals at the top end of the market — in the same way that Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM capitalised on the performance of their respective HP 9000 Series 700 and RS/6000 lines when they were introduced .
7 The Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge asked him to report on the work of its schools at the same time .
8 The Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge asked him to report on the work of its schools at the same time .
9 A leading argument deployed by the ILP and its supporters at the Labour Party conference was that only by quitting the Government could the Labour Party hope to retain its authority with ‘ the men in the workshops ’ and thus avert ‘ the terrible danger of insurrection . ’
10 Most Christians would claim that the celebration of the Eucharist is one of the most important moments within Christianity , both in its beginnings at the Last Supper and in the life of the Church today .
11 This catfish exhibits an usual form of ‘ parental care ’ , not dissimilar to that of the cuckoo — which is infamous for laying its eggs in the nests of other birds and leaving them to be hatched and raised by the involuntary ‘ foster-parents ’ In the case of Synodontis multipunctatus , it swims in and out among mouth-brooding cichlids which are in the throes of spawning and releases its eggs at the same time as the cichlid , whose eggs it often devours .
12 Rule 2 permits a litigant to apply to the court in an action against a firm for an order that full disclosure be made as to the identity and residence of its partners at the relevant time .
13 The tomb was robbed of its treasures at an early date but the paintings survived intact until their re-discovery in 1904 by Ernesto Schiaparelli .
14 Within months , Scargill 's warnings of substantial pit closures were transformed into reality : the NUM was unable to resist — with most of its members at the affected pits rapidly opting for the generous redundancy terms — and with the privatization of the electricity-generating industry at the end of the 1980s the ability of many British mines to compete was in question ; closures were instituted even in the more productive fields .
15 What is billed as the First Green Consumer Exhibition opens its doors at The Royal Horticultural Halls between 24 and 28 May .
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