Example sentences of "its [adj] [noun pl] for the " in BNC.

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1 But they are most unlikely to do so — and herein lies part of the explanation for Labour 's election defeat , and one of its greatest problems for the future .
2 The official communiqué referred to developments in global financial markets , " especially the decline of the yen against other currencies and its undesirable consequences for the global adjustment process " .
3 Even its controversial plans for the nationalization of major industries came to be accepted as part of a world built upon consensus .
4 Before I come to discuss the philosophical problems that are raised by this sort of account of self and autonomy , I want to look at what I have called its implicit politics ; and what I mean by this primarily is its possible consequences for the way in which women might think about their relationships to each other , and the way in which they might think about themselves .
5 After two days of debate , an extraordinary session of Congress approved the national budget for 1992 on Jan. 7 , overruling President Alberto Keinya Fujimori , who had rejected the original draft on the grounds of its inflationary implications for the economy .
6 Sir Michael spoke enthusiastically of the University Plan and its clear goals for the end of the decade .
7 Why might a bank with a given amount of liquid assets be more willing to expand its mortgage loans for house purchase than to expand its personal loans for the purchase of consumer goods ?
8 EURO Disney plunged 29p to £9.33p after it announced that it is closing one of its six hotels for the winter .
9 In an attempt to forestall or derail Microsoft Corp 's likely objections to its WABI Windows Applications Binary Interface for running Windows applications under Unix , Sun Microsystems Inc is expected to reveal at the WABI launch tomorrow that it has orchestrated a Public Windows Initiative pressure group of vendors that will attempt to force Microsoft to open up , if not make public , its future plans for the Win16 16-bit application programming interface for Windows 3.1 , this week 's issue of our sister paper Unigram.X reports .
10 It is likely that the vendors will also wish to understand more fully the purchaser 's interest in the acquisition and its future plans for the business .
11 AEA is poised to capitalise on the hard work of the last three years and realise its carefully-laid plans for the future , according to John Maltby .
12 This reflected the successful Soviet cultivation of this small state and it helped the Soviet Union legitimise a number of its cherished initiatives for the Mediterranean .
13 In addition to its obvious implications for the prison numbers crisis , such a strategy again raises the spectre of an incapacitatory penalty being used for a certain group of offenders on the basis of their anticipated dangerousness in the future .
14 The safest bet , actuarially and politically , is the age of 63 with its obvious implications for the extension of the working lives of women as a means of ‘ paying for ’ the reduction of those of men .
15 The Government has failed to add any convincing arguments to its feeble justifications for the changes , and dares not come clean about the real reasons .
16 That school , like many of its contemporaries , was essentially a ‘ professionalizing ’ school preparing its better students for the more dignified occupations , rather than for higher education ( a development that was not to be fully realized until after 1945 and the expansion of the universities ) .
17 Its riveting concerns for the work place — and specific work places at that — prevents the connecting up of work experiences , issues and social structure ; it prevents a true political practice .
18 Solihull ladies ' guild , formed in 1964 , was made into a branch in October last year , thus admitting men through its hallowed portals for the first time !
19 REDUCTION of ferric iron ( Fe(III) ) to ferrous iron ( Fe(II) ) is one of the most important geochemical reactions in anaerobic aquatic sediments because of its many consequences for the organic and inorganic chemistry of these environments .
20 Clare was the great exception , an articulate peasant , and he might have described that world for us in all its natural beauty and its deep associations for the human race — twelve or thirteen centuries of unbroken continuity — but he came almost too late for this kind of England .
21 More dangerous , however , is the ease with which anti-racists ( who see racism as the prime enemy ) have largely fallen in behind this new religious definition of community , despite its damaging implications for the most vulnerable groups , particularly women .
22 It is essential for the local and family historian to grasp this basic demographic information and to understand its profound consequences for the nature of English society .
23 It keeps its nuclear weapons for the same reason NATO needs short-range missiles on European soil : as a deterrent against enemies whose potential advantage in conventional warfare is simply too great to match any other way .
24 As the profession 's representative body , the Law Society has had to face the question of how to achieve its strategic aims for the healthy development of the profession over the coming decade , in the absence for most of the year of the promised green shoots of economic recovery .
25 The challenge of the electronic media informs much of its Strategic objectives for the year 2000 ( May 1993 ) .
26 In fact , the present mess , whatever its practical implications for the myriad administrative changes required to implement the Estonian experiment , merely increases the impetus for reform .
27 The black wings and running-board set off the sober mole colour of the body , and the President glowed as he proudly explained the working of the controls and gear lever , opened the doors to display the interior with its adjustable foot-rests for the rear-seat passengers and obliged a request from one admirer to see how much space there was in the luggage compartment at the back .
28 The educational centre , at the edge of the industrial estate , has won a £1-for-£1 pledge from the Sports Council to back its fund-raising efforts for the £17,000 roof project .
29 They conclude : ‘ On the basis of our review , we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the interim financial information as presented , and in our opinion it has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with those adopted by the group in its statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 1991 . ’
30 Similarly , in Engineers ' and Managers ' Association v. ACAS ( 1980 ) the House of Lords by a majority held that ACAS had not acted unreasonably in postponing its statutory enquiries for the time being because another union was also seeking recognition and the plaintiff Association was also suing the Trades Union Congress .
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