Example sentences of "some [noun pl] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Under Making Belfast Work , for example , the DoE and the DHSS have been persuaded to ‘ bend ’ some programmes towards the designated ‘ disadvantaged areas ’ .
2 Staff in both departments found it necessary to maintain informal or social contacts to obtain information required for their tasks , and had some misgivings about the lateral flow of mutually relevant information .
3 Evidently , during the journey , Crabb told Mrs Rose something about his mission and appeared to have some misgivings about the whole affair .
4 Some forms of the second genus were apparently more difficult for the trade union movement to identify , one of these being that created in 1872 by William Paterson Lind , Superintendent Registrar for the Port of London , as the London Seamen 's Mutual Protection Society , later known as the Amalgamate British Seamen 's Protection Society .
5 This take-some-of-it-or-leave-some-of-it approach to Scripture is the main reason for the fuzziness between Christianity and some forms of the psychic .
6 Some strata of the urban population were still apportioning and collecting their own tax dues in Nicholas I 's reign .
7 At some meetings during the twenties and thirties unofficial Roman Catholic observers were permitted .
8 Basically it was about certain British officials allegedly colluding in drug-test avoidance at some meetings in the early eighties .
9 When they inspected the wicket , they found it being rolled by some prisoners from the local jail , one of whom looked familiar to Boycott .
10 Unlike the Mantuan and Ferrarese madrigalists , Marenzio composed mainly for the pleasure of the performers themselves , not for courtly audiences listening to brilliant executants , though he did make some essays in the three-upper-part style associated with the Ferrarese ladies , notably the exquisite ‘ Hor chi Clori ’ in his Sixth five-part book ( 1594 ) , and he must have reckoned on good performers to tackle the chromaticisms of ‘ O voi che sospirate ’ ( Book II , 1581 ) .
11 The accords , described as the " first step " towards closer trade , economic and financial relations between the Baltic states and the EC , provided for an end to import quotas on some products from the Baltic countries and greater economic co-operation .
12 Some groups of the dissatisfied were influenced by the Manichaean teachings which came from the east of Europe after the Second Crusade ( 1147 ) and were transmitted along the trade routes to the towns of north Germany and Lombardy .
13 Even in Russia the years after the death of Peter I saw the exemption from service of considerable social groups hitherto liable — the merchants of Astrakhan in return for a money payment , the arms-makers of Tula , Church servants , some groups of the better-off peasantry .
14 During the-first round , some groups in the 144-strong field needed almost five hours to go round .
15 Since the similarities between informal sector seasonal workers and formal sector factory workers are greater than between some groups within the informal sector , such as street sellers and seasonal workers , Bromley suggests a continuum of categories as a more useful form of analysis .
16 We include here some notes on the first production but subsequent directors may find many different ways of presenting the text .
17 Why did some birds of the same taxonomic family move in flocks while others were solitary ?
18 The girls walked off in one direction to some hedges on the far side , leaving George with Willie and Zach .
19 It limits people 's ability to pursue some conceptions of the good , but only in order to equalize the opportunity to do so overall .
20 Relative to any such evaluation of primary goods some conceptions of the good will be harder to implement , i.e. , will require primary goods of greater value to realize , than others .
21 This consideration points to the fact that the very restrictions imposed on societies by the Rawlsian principles of justice make the implementation of some conceptions of the good more difficult and their pursuit by individuals less attractive than that of others .
22 Furthermore , the implementation of some conceptions of the good is incompatible with the principles of justice and is ruled out altogether .
23 Even if the baby wakes at random times — in order to feed , for example — there are some times of the 24 hours when its environment is less stimulating and responsive than others .
24 Some artists of the 16th and 17th centuries painted on gold ground and , more recently , Otto Dix , among others used gold and silver leaf without regard to the religious meaning of gold .
25 For instance , some coins of the Roman Emperor Severus Alexander found in Egypt fall into two stylistic groups , and the discovery that each group has different trace elements provides clear evidence that they were made at different mints .
26 Though , as I say , this is very much a matter of personal taste and is not a ‘ rule ’ and there are some patterns in the electronic packs which may tempt me to change my preferences .
27 She knelt on the cold stone floor and carefully placed some coals on the dying embers in the grate .
28 Some hours after the alleged attack , Sharon McLean ran out of the Peace Gardens in Holt Street , near Wrexham police station , and pretended that she had just discovered the body , the jury was told .
29 Large areas of western Scotland , mid- and North Wales and the upland zones of the North and South West of England have exhibited population gains , in some cases for the first time in over a century .
30 In the event of trouble , many of the non-union operators now would have easier access — in some cases for the first time — to the political system and its protective police arm .
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