Example sentences of "some [noun sg] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However during 1960–3 there was some support for a British Commonwealth non-military space programme .
2 This finding provides some support for the logarithmic approximation made in ( 3 ) where higher order terms in a number of variables were dropped from the original specification .
3 In the normal way , there should be some change for the better in the patient 's condition , so if weeks pass and the patient seems static , you need to know why .
4 Without a grid covering the shape , success rates for area or for counting squares fell to between 35–65 per cent for the bottom band , and there was generally some reduction for the remaining pupils .
5 The Head of Department accepted that the department had some responsibility for the insalubrious state of the Pottery Hut and that it was possible to do more 3D work , although the problem of group size in this should be recognised in the report .
6 One has some sympathy for the loyal , compliant Mr Prince in these days before the Goulds ' departure for Australia ; even more so than when prince was left behind with all the doubts and pressures of having to act on his master 's behalf .
7 Though not without some sympathy for the British , he included their imperialism among the malign forces which had distorted the 1919 peace settlement .
8 Mosca , like Pareto , had at one stage of his writing career some sympathy for the socialist parties of the period , and like Pareto he is more remembered for his argument that socialists should be seen as dangerous purveyors of an illusory hope of democratic participation .
9 Date Number of homes Number of beds 1987 169 5000 1988 200 7000 Approximately half of those homes say they offer some provision for the elderly with mental impairment .
10 For instance , local authorities now have some liability for the acute physical danger traveller children can face because of site conditions .
11 He 'd covered her over with a coat and taken her few possessions inside , and she 'd slept on ; she 'd been the same way for the last couple of hours of the journey , ever since they 'd made their final stop at a twenty-four hour garage so that he could fill the Zodiac 's tank and buy some tape for a running repair to the headlamp that he 'd broken when , lights doused to escape notice , he 'd clipped the corner of the garage block on their way out of the parking area .
12 Knowing my shortcomings , Mum had taken charge of making curtains for George 's house and a week before the wedding she went to the market to find some fabric for the last pair .
13 Country Member gave Andy Turnell some compensation for the disappointing defeat of Katabatic at Exeter .
14 More to the point was that it was some compensation for the lower salary .
15 For the successful jockey , Dean McKeown , it was some compensation for the dismal performance of 2,000 Guineas hope Message Pad on Friday .
16 I have been doing some work for a national charity recently and the director and one of the key office-bearers can not stand sight or sound of SARAH , which was a trifle awkward when she rang up once or twice ‘ wanting to pop in for a chat at your new office ’ .
17 I also have done some work for the local papers as well .
18 However , the idea that there are two or more sectors or segments in the labour market has some relevance for the present discussion .
19 I think this is a good principle and we hope to continue it , to some degree for a long time yet . ’
20 In July 1794 , the students presented a petition to the College for some assistance for the distressed widow .
21 Perhaps the royal family itself must take some blame for the manic British obsession with its affairs .
22 The open nature of this schoolboy Philip Edward Thomas , with his ready absorption in the Morgans ' sporting activities , held some charm for the disappointed middle-aged writer .
23 Signs of improvement in some international markets , as well as sterling 's devaluation , could provide some help for the full year in which analysts are looking for profits of around £45m .
24 The three eldest girls , Agnes , Sarah , and Nancy only worked infrequently at pressing , as if perhaps to get some cash for a new dress , or a pair of shoes , but possibly to assist the family in times of particular money shortage .
25 As it sweeps on , through Greece and Rome , dark ages and renaissance , world empire and industrial revolution , towards this present century of war and destruction , it succeeds in suggesting that , against all the odds , there may still be some basis for the political and economic union now intensively , if fractiously , under discussion .
26 The original division between those mentally handicapped children who were considered educable and those who were not formed some basis for the future classification of the mentally handicapped .
27 The Gold Cup was to demonstrate that there was still some room for the small man .
28 The rest took ‘ shortened honours ’ , some returning for a further year after the war to complete full honours — three achieving firsts , to bring the score for our year to seven .
29 ‘ I thought it might take some while for the outside world to learn of .
30 There is also some evidence for a homing population of mucosa associated T cells , and consequent interaction between humoral and cell mediated immunity with secretion of cytokines .
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