Example sentences of "some [noun sg] [to-vb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The optional units allow students some freedom to suit personal aptitude and particular career intentions .
2 We 've got the kettle on , I brought in some milk to give soothing cups of coffee where necessary … ’
3 If any groups within your parish could raise some money to help this project it would be most gratefully received .
4 He could get a job and earn some money to buy some clothes — but he knew this was just a dream .
5 Whatever the pressure on pre-service training , some willingness to address these issues at in-service level had been expected , and was not apparent .
6 In the second place , it involves some intention to maintain that control on the part of the possessor .
7 Even in Poland some attempt to improve existing arrangements for the control of what foreign policy the country had becomes visible after 1775 .
8 While in the last century there was still some attempt to embrace all people in Ireland as the Irish nation , now the nation subsists in the Irish catholic population .
9 An alternative conventional definition of pornography is that it is art designed to excite and to some degree to satisfy sexual arousal .
10 One set of scenarios for the engineering industry suggests that in a country such as Norway , with small communities at the heads of the many fiords , an appropriate use of the technology would be for each community to have some equipment to produce particular parts of a product or to engage in particular parts of a production process .
11 ‘ You dog me and Rosie like a shadow whenever we want some peace to do bad things to one another , and this scam 's a team affair to start with .
12 ‘ When buying a puppy , try and ensure it is well-bred and reared by a breeder who has some aim to produce well-tempered stock . ’
13 This illustrates the need for effective skills training , but it was agreed that such training had to be voluntary and should provide some incentive to encourage unemployed people to take it up .
14 Considering that NFS version 3 , which was a major re-do , is sitting on a shelf somewhere collecting dust because it failed to garner popular support , there will probably be some reluctance to call this puppy by the same name .
15 Despite recognition of the discomfort caused by ventilation and its attendant procedures ( tracheal suction , chest drains , arterial lines etc. ) , there has tended to be some reluctance to prescribe potent analgesics .
16 Beyond the perimeter wall ran a vein of the Bradford Beck , its filthy waters gurgling below ground before breaking free for some distance to pass Old Ashfield 's wooded hillside .
17 the B eleven O six , a consequence of this County Council 's lorry ban on the A ten eighty eight and that does have some evidence to support that theory and paragraph two point five in my re report , sorry two point three not two point five , two point three in my report referred to that thing .
18 At first sight there is some evidence to support this sort of assumption .
19 There is some evidence to support this theory .
20 It 's often put that hunting is good for the countryside that it 's about controlling foxes the scientific evidence rather puts that to pay the scientific evidence certainly indicates that fox hunting makes very little difference to control of foxes in the countryside and there is some evidence to suggest that fox hunting actually encourages more foxes to breed and that we end up with more foxes , so it seems to be self defeating in that respect .
21 There is some evidence to indicate that MRI is a useful technique for diagnosing tumour recurrence since malignant tumour masses can be distinguished from fibrotic tissue on the basis of signal intensity .
22 And of course , as I 've told you , it would take some fiddle to get past Gran 's lynx 's eyes .
23 Having gone to some trouble to obtain high quality sample preparations , it is important to realize their potential by using appropriate techniques when studying them .
24 In short , an action succeeds when it fulfils ( i.e. achieves the object of ) the desire that has combined with some belief to cause that action .
25 This definition has been modified with the addition of some syntax to turn nested programs into objects .
26 ‘ Nothing 's lost , ’ he says and bang goes another drawing for 2d. or nothing , while he dreams off to some café to borrow some paper .
27 It requires some self-confidence to enter this pantheon of antiquarian books : catalogues cover almost every category and boast such rarities as ‘ The original autograph manuscript of Jane Austen 's only completed play ’ ; prices range from £100 to £8 million .
28 The court decided that victims of art thefts should be protected against the usual requirement in civil cases that the owner must make some effort to recover stolen goods within three years ; it ruled that the clock does not start ticking for the statute of limitations until the victim locates the stolen artworks and asks for their return .
29 For quick revision , the skeleton of the subject must be visible at a glance , and it is worth while making some effort to produce this effect , if only for ease of revision ; indeed , revision becomes almost a pleasure if the notes are eminently readable and carry their message with punch .
30 But the conventions surrounding the drama itself usually go some way to counter this kind of misapprehension even in mediaeval times .
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