Example sentences of "some [prep] [art] [noun pl] which " in BNC.

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1 And if I can identify some of the thoughts which occurred to me and they are relatively minor points about the wording of I five in relation to the first two criteria .
2 One need is the ability of the photocopier to collate automatically , since some of the documents which are photocopied are quite lengthy .
3 For a real account of the BCR we must wait for Martin Davies 's definitive history , but although I have only included some of the anecdotes which crop up again and again , and a few photographs , many BCRS member have given invaluable assistance , and the presence of the Railway taken for granted throughout the time covered by ‘ BISHOP 'S CASTLE WELL-REMEMBERED ’ .
4 1992 has been a truly historic year for Napier and we are delighted to share with you , our former students , some of the moments which have seen us metamorphosing into a university .
5 ‘ Those are some of the effects which prompted me to write .
6 Their directives pre-empt the force of at least some of the reasons which otherwise should have guided the actions of those people .
7 The reform of nurse education which will follow Project 2000 will take care of some of the reasons which cause student wastage .
8 Chapter 7 described some of the reasons which made Aplysia a strategic choice for researching the neurobiology of certain basic forms of memory formation .
9 It is essential , therefore , for the marketer to understand some of the reasons which cause people in the market to behave as they do .
10 Like the most famous of all American Presidents , Harry Truman came from the mid-West ; and he too had some of the qualities which contributed to the greatness of Abraham Lincoln — honesty , courage and a willingness to accept responsibility .
11 In other words , studies of television genre begin to reinvent some of the wheels which film authorship and genre studies set in motion some time ago .
12 All through this conversation he had the impression that Frank no longer sneered ; and as he went back to Liverpool he was sure that he was more tolerant and sympathetic and ‘ was willing to grant that there was some sense in some of the things which I longed for him to share ’ .
13 Therefore I do not see why tonight I might not occasionally , if the argument should lead that way , be guilty of saying in office some of the things which I have said out of office .
14 George Cripps 's son wrote to the Yorkshire Post in October 1979 : ‘ The remarks of Mr J. McKenna make me smile when I remember some of the things which my father told me about the machinations by various members of the then Football League , which have certainly led me to believe that they were not so simon pure as the image they presented to the public . ’
15 And then if you want to read some literature and talk about some of the things which Once you 've said what questions you want to ask you 'll want to read some stuff You 've either read a lot of it already , the stuff you 've done today is useful , and do a bit of your essay saying , This is what the literature says , so we did an experiment to test this aspect and here 's the results we found , let's discuss this .
16 Okay Sally-Ann , have you had a chance to look at some of the things which we 're gon na do today as well ?
17 Er some of the things which I wo n't go into in detail but a short list of some of the things which do differ among languages are interjections , particles , personal pronouns , titles , kinship terms , er nouns , verbs , noun multipliers , pronunciation .
18 Er some of the things which I wo n't go into in detail but a short list of some of the things which do differ among languages are interjections , particles , personal pronouns , titles , kinship terms , er nouns , verbs , noun multipliers , pronunciation .
19 I was still finding out some of the things which had n't been done during the symposium itself .
20 Even though Gundovald can never have said some of the things which Gregory attributes to him , the bishop of Tours must have had some reason for putting the words into his mouth .
21 Well those are some of the things which are going on around the showground …
22 So I just want to run through very , very quickly some of the things which will sound very familiar , because a lot of the , a lot of the information is very similar to the information we 've been putting before you in terms of the radio and television situations .
23 In order to continue our discussion of the linguistic units involved in language comprehension , we will now review some of the experiments which have investigated the storage of spoken and written language in memory .
24 Some of the rules which have caused considerable debate are reproduced below :
25 I have already indicated some of the principles which should guide teachers in their choice of books , and shown why both pre-1900 literature and texts from different parts of the world must be included .
26 The case studies presented in Chapters 5 and 6 illustrate some of the forms which study skills have taken and the place which their development has occupied in the evolving project .
27 Thus some of the cases which will be discussed in the next few pages were decided on sections which were not absolutely identical with the current provisions .
28 We attempt to do this in the next chapter , but before embarking on this task we must note some of the criticisms which have been made about the Braverman thesis and its implications .
29 Some of the criticisms which are voiced by service planners and professionals when thinking about ordinary housing for long-term patients is that it is ‘ too expensive ’ , or that ‘ They ca n't cope on their own , ’ or that ‘ They 'll be affected by the same stresses and strains that put them in hospital in the first place . ’
30 Bearing in mind these considerations , and some of the criticisms which have been levelled at existing gradation schemes , a ladder of offences could possibly be constructed as follows , to deal with non-consensual conduct presently covered by rape , indecent assault and buggery .
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