Example sentences of "some [verb] [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The nervous tension of dodging and ducking about a sky crowded with equally dodging and ducking planes , some firing , some looking as if they might fire at any instant , some sheering wildly away to avoid a collision ; and all the time trying to grab a quick shot at a mere point of light : all this brought back the strain of combat , when you were pressed on by the excitement of chasing the enemy , pulled back by the horror of shooting a friend , and periodically shaken with fright by the thought that at any second you might be cut in two .
2 Thus , although the bonanza expected by some has not yet materialised , exploration has far from exhausted the possibilities , and the results have at least demonstrated beyond question that gas accumulated and survived in producible quantities in the Eastern Overthrust Belt , despite the disturbed condition of the strata and the passage of time .
3 Let's have a look not solubles you 've got some Hang on just gon na there 's one .
4 A few modifications have been made to it to accommodate foreign words but , generally speaking , it is the words rather than the syllabary that get modified and some get very thoroughly modified indeed .
5 While some slowing down undoubtedly occurs with age the effects are greatly exaggerated and can usually be offset by changing the pattern or intensity of the work .
6 A report of the Institutional Shareholders ' Committee in April 1992 noted that ‘ most companies do no more than comply with the very limited disclosure requirements of SSAP 13 and some do not even do that .
7 It is most disturbing to realize that many of you do not receive any Further Training and some do not even pay their Membership subscription .
8 Indeed there is , if anything , a tendency for the final events to be revealed early in the investigation while the factors which led to them remain obscure until a much later stage , and some do not ever emerge at all .
9 Other keyboard types need different country key mappings and some do n't even have a pounds sign !
10 After all , there are a lot of divisions in the police — they do n't all wear uniforms and some do n't even shave .
11 you know that s some do n't really have a great deal of problem , others really do have a sort of off work for two or three days every month and it 's not a bundle of laughs because , you know , that really must be difficult , but they , they get a rough idea of how it for them
12 That 's a thing about stories , sometimes ; they have different endings according to who you listen to , and some have sort of open endings , and some do n't actually have proper endings yet . ’
13 I think beca I think because some do n't actually transfer the skill , if I might , say that .
14 Some did n't even reply , others told me not to expect much . ’
15 And due to a few unforseen obstacles some did n't even manage that .
16 There were quite a few dunces , and er some did n't always get moved on and they did n't all make it into the top class , they had to stop again for another year , or period , in the class they were .
17 Moreover some individuals-do n't actually contribute a lot to the groups and only seem to be working .
18 Some had n't even got buds .
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