Example sentences of "some [noun] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I had some misgivings at the prospect of 16-ton lorries on a country path , but the sheer volume of material needed ( to get sufficient build-up ) , ruled out the possibility of doing the job manually , with wheelbarrows .
2 Then he asked for our passports , made some notes at the bottom of the itinerary and handed the passports back .
3 You went to Pem — ’ He pulled a diary out of his breast pocket and checked some notes at the end — ‘ on March 5 this year .
4 Another difficulty Glass faced was that Western notation , bar lines are used to divide the music , thus encouraging the emphasis of some notes at the expense of others .
5 This proposal is meeting some resistance at the UN 's headquarters in New York .
6 There was some hope at the time of the Maastricht negotiations that the centralising tendencies of the European Community would be checked by the ‘ principle of subsidiarity ’ .
7 Do n't go too near the water ! ’ she called out before leaping to her feet and running over to where the twins were feeding some ducks at the edge of the Serpentine .
8 I even managed some shortswings at the top .
9 Hoti Lal Parishar , the veteran chairman of the local Congress ( I ) committee , admits to some bemusement at the complications caused by Vishwendra Singh 's challenge to the sitting MP .
10 Lowering his eyes , he stared in some bemusement at the men 's over-large dungarees she was wearing .
11 I had some sympathy at the time , but not anymore .
12 well if you think you might get some money at the end of the season , he said , you may find that you 'll be paying them at the end of the season !
13 Then she hurled some money at the stallkeeper , grabbed loaves and other food , and jumped on the moving train .
14 After some experience at the fluid level the design tends to fall into a pattern of application areas and sales volume begins to increase .
15 After some experience at the fluid level the design tends to fall into a pattern of application areas and sales volume begins to increase .
16 In view of the growing international concern about the use of children and young people in various conflicts , especially in third-world countries , how on earth can the Minister possibly justify a situation in this country whereby a young lad can join the Army at the age of 16 , or in some cases at the age of 15 , but if he changes his mind and wants to leave after serving more than six months he can not do so and is forced to continue in the armed services until the age of 21 ?
17 We need to tighten the time schedules for the writing of reports , and ensure that the workloads are more evenly spread than they are in some cases at the moment .
18 Some houses at the bottom of Killicomaine Road still pay ground rent on a long lease to the church , through the Trust Steward .
19 They will see the demonstration through , and probably make some excuse at the end to delay the purchase decision .
20 Veneers appear in the 1880s although an eighteenth-century example was discovered during the 1983–4 excavations at St Augustine-the-Less , Bristol , but this might have been no more than an attempt on the part of the coffin-maker to mask some splits at the shoulder caused by over-zealous saw-cuts when kerfing .
21 Although they began to be replaced in the more advanced parts of China by bronze coins by the middle of the first millennium B.C. , they still circulated in some provinces at the time of Marco Polo 's visit during the late thirteenth century .
22 I force my way through some bushes at the top .
23 Each of us has to make choices , to pursue some goals at the expense of others , and some of these choices are painful .
24 Their prison was some stables at the rear of a large house , which incidentally , they had to secure themselves .
25 Dr Almahawi also worked for some months at the Unsworth group practice in Westhoughton , near Bolton , Greater Manchester and as a locum at a local hospital , before his death in May 1992 .
26 There is some confusion at the moment over the common name , as there are two varieties that possess the rich orange seam along the dorsal fin and tail .
27 Erm , to get some feedback at the end of those .
28 The British contingent was relatively small , and there was also some disappointment at the number of US participants .
29 He made a telephone call in the village , then bought some toothpaste at the shop .
30 However , we should not lose sight of the fact that there is some light at the end of the runnel .
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