Example sentences of "do [adv] [verb] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The task is enlarged considerably because several EEC countries do little to enforce wildlife trade laws , whilst trade controls between EEC Member States have been greatly reduced .
3 In addition to working closely with Government to ensure that fiscal and other financial policies do not create competition barriers for UK industry , he is making harmonisation of financial reporting a priority .
4 The means of consumption do not create labour power , since soldiers do not feature in the production process …
5 ‘ Vogue photographers , ’ Harry Yoxall roared , ‘ do not wear leather jackets . ’
6 ‘ And in the best houses master and servant do not sit drinking coffee , or anything else for that matter , together in the kitchen .
7 Although no longer a barren exchange , they do not represent outline agreements to be followed at the national level .
8 Furthermore , as these college-based insiders stress , their essays do not represent police college views or those of the Home Office ; and both Thackrah ( 1985 ) and his publisher , James Tindall , take pains to ensure from the outset that we are aware than any views expressed in the book are ‘ those of individual contributors , and not those of the college , the Home Office , or [ even ] the police service ’ .
9 While people in Scotland are flattered that in Battersea they think of nothing else but the protection of the people of Scotland from excessive expenditure , I fancy that the people of Scotland are mature enough to elect or to refuse to re-elect Governments who do not conduct taxation affairs in the way in which they wish .
10 Principals , directors and shareowners who practise mainly from overseas offices which do not conduct investment business in or into the UK are disregarded for this calculation .
11 ‘ I do not regard property profits as earnings .
12 Leicestershire do not separate sponsorship revenues from match receipts .
13 Those arrangements do not preclude education authority representatives either being appointed initially by the Secretary of State or subsequently by boards , but I stress that appointments will be made on the basis of personal qualities .
14 If you do not pay income tax , but your spouse does , you should not enter into a Deed of Covenant on your own .
15 If you do not pay income tax but your spouse does , then your spouse should make the Gift Aid payment .
16 As more than half the population do not pay income tax this is at best only a half-truth .
17 Many local authorities , however , do not pay bureaux managers at this rate and although the shortfall will always be attributed to budgetary constraints , there may also be a lack of awareness of what the position entails .
18 What happens if I do not pay UK Income Tax ?
19 What happens if I do not pay UK income tax ?
20 As a charity the Halls do not pay corporation tax on profits .
21 ‘ We are trying to build up the event and , as we do not pay appearance money , the best way to do that is to offer rewards that will attract the best players , ’ he added .
22 Mr Llambias says that if news leaks out the negotiation process can be ruined : ‘ You do not announce merger negotiations until after they have been concluded satisfactorily . ’
23 Taylor Walker managing director David Longbottom said : ‘ Unlike our European counterparts , in the UK we do not perceive bar work as having professional status .
24 ‘ Nuclear will be needed if we are to sustain our quality of life whilst ensuring we do not damage planet earth beyond repair . ’
25 They certainly do not justify Geoffrey Cowley 's absurdly optimistic claim in Newsweek that , ‘ They have since dispelled any doubt that apes can really understand signs ’ ( Cowley 1988 : 54 ) .
26 Although psychotherapeutic agents do not alter IBS symptoms , treatment of the psychological distress may help a patient to cope with them .
27 ( The subscripts here are labels and do not denote tensor character . )
28 We do not peer review advertisements as we peer review scientific papers , and I do not know of any medical journals that do .
29 In any case , many of the peoples with the simplest technology , such as the hunters and gatherers of Africa and Asia , are neither patrilineal nor matrilineal , and do not form descent groups of any type .
30 Incremental transfers of data therefore do not reflect module name deletion .
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