Example sentences of "do [adv] [verb] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It should be noted that it is not always the lower limits of the specification that are involved ; ingredients that undergo decomposition do obviously fall but other parameters , such as total solids content , rise as the product ages , if the container is permeable to water vapour .
2 Some moralists say that if we regard immediacy or physical nearness as relevant , we must be failing in rationality or imagination ; we are irrational if we do not recognize that those starving elsewhere have as big a claim on us as those starving here .
3 these figures do not show that black people are more prone crime , but they do suggest that black people who offend are more likely to go to prison .
4 ‘ British tourists do not realise that most muggers here carry guns and do not hesitate to use them , ’ says Barry Jolly , chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce in Orlando .
5 They say that social workers who attend seminars and lectures on the subject do not realise that these ideas are being promoted by Christian Fundamentalist extremists who believe that all abuse is demonic in origin .
6 I do not pretend that this hairy example will stand up to intensive and searching cross-cultural scrutiny , since the elements in the contrasted pairs weigh slightly differently in different cultures ; indeed , as with most linked social phenomena , one could find some cases of complete reversals ( or in Lévi-Straussian terminology , ‘ transformations ’ ) in which , as the old phrase has it , the extremes meet .
7 I do not pretend that these notions can do more than offer a way of thinking about the quantum world with some hope of doing justice both to the idiosyncrasy of its ways and also to the beautiful structure of the microworld which has been laid bare by the discoveries of elementary particle physics .
8 Do not reply until all five items have been listed in the way suggested above .
9 Britain 's Lemon-shaped fruits , which do not split when ripe , on Breakfast large spreading trusses ; cordon , greenhouse , outdoors .
10 Professionals and family members have to be very clear about an individual 's own internal experiences and personal needs ; clearly it is no good pretending , for the sake of normalization , that delusions , hallucinations and abnormal moods do not exist and that aberrant and unsocial behaviour is not a real and sometimes pervasive aspect of mental disorder .
11 Institutions enjoyed equally by all countrymen , I again emphasise that in the hunting field social distinctions do not exist and those who follow houn hounds start equals receiving consideration exclusively through their own merits .
12 Good nurserymen watch the weather forecasts , and do not despatch when cold weather is imminent .
13 Provision has been made to include a general , but we do not specify whether this is the Emperor , an Elector Count , the Reiksmarshall of the Reiksguard , or whoever — any of these individuals can and have taken command of Imperial armies during the history of the Empire .
14 Do not overtighten as this prevents expansion and contraction of the Thermoclear .
15 These differences do not mean that economic historians are cast adrift in a sea of events : they possess the potentially powerful faculty of hindsight , though it can easily be a powerfully deluding one .
16 Suffice it here to note that I do not mean that all religions are really saying the same thing ; that differences do not matter , that they all have basically the same origins , or fulfil the same functions .
17 When we say that individuals have a right to be protected against assault , we do not mean that this protection must be achieved through some particular scheme we already have in mind .
18 However , there is irrefutable evidence that there will be a shortfall , and if we do not ensure that that gap is identified and ascertain where the resources to meet that gap will come from , not only will the people who are currently seeking community care be disadvantaged , but , more importantly , future generations who might seek care in the community will not receive the resources that at present they believe that they will get .
19 On the other hand , I do not feel that all children need necessarily play all the games or join in all the activities .
20 However , we have not included a poetry strand in the statements of attainment because we do not feel that any pupil should be required to write a poem in order to achieve a particular level of attainment .
21 I do not feel that any harm will come to those people who experience spontaneous regression in such a way , as any group involved in the higher levels of meditation should be under the control of a qualified and experienced teacher or leader who will be on hand to control the situation and to help should the pupil find himself in emotional difficulty .
22 We do not think that regular pouch surveillence is necessary after operation in polyposis even though polyps have been reported in the small bowel , because their malignant potential is very low .
23 In any event for my part I do not think that such a limitation exists .
24 I do not think that many people are fully aware of that .
25 I should , however , like the Minister to clarify the issue of rights of way in dock areas , where I do not think that many trains will be travelling at the high speed of 125 mph .
26 I do not think that many hon. Members would criticise the length of the speech but they and members of the museum and arts worlds outside would criticise the Bill 's contents .
27 The non-philosophical ‘ vulgar ’ do not think that all we know are ideas .
28 For some years I tended to assume that the computers would merely give us a better documented description of the language , but I do not think that that position remains tenable .
29 I do not think that that was because she was a more effective communicator .
30 I do not think that that can be right .
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