Example sentences of "do [pron] [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To the extent that the new private initiatives in inner city areas are geared to ‘ outsiders ’ , they do nothing to ease the shortage of accommodation for the less wealthy indigenous residents who are increasingly trapped by the contraction of alternative options .
2 Such poorly presented results do nothing to support the credibility ( and hence the funding ! ) of an interesting field which deserves more critical attention .
3 None of the four structures given in the Government 's proposals are desirable , SNH says , arguing that they do nothing to tackle the problems caused by historic boundaries such as the fact that one local boundary runs down the middle of Loch Lomond .
4 ‘ Is Mr Clarke suggesting that 220,000 jobs do nothing to help the economy ?
5 They do nothing to solve the problem .
6 Thirdly , the criteria themselves do nothing to reduce the lengths of any custodial sentences that are imposed , in spite of the exhortation to make them commensurate with the seriousness of the offence .
7 The Bill and the Rothschild report , with their prospects for the closure of 30 collieries in England and Wales , do nothing to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that we produce .
8 I quote from the declared aims and policies of CND : ’ CND believes that British independent nuclear weapons and American nuclear bases and weapons in Britain do nothing to increase the security of Britain and should be unilaterally and unconditionally rejected and removed . ’
9 Muddle , tension , anxiety , frustration do nothing to enhance the quality of your life .
10 Efforts to make places more accessible have resulted in a proliferation of signposts , turnstiles , fences , car parks , souvenir shops and snack bars which do nothing to enhance the beauty of an area , but in many cases spoil its character as well as the environment .
11 Drugs do nothing to remove the cause of a headache which more often than not stems from nervous and muscular tension , something aromatherapy massage will gently soothe away .
12 Will you make sure that you do do them put the dresses on the erm different .
13 ‘ If you mean do I prefer the company of men to women , then yes , I am . ’
14 Nor do I regard the villains of the piece as the fighters themselves .
15 Not only do I love the way this guitar looks but I can get some great sounds out of it , too .
16 Do I send a sample chapter off to a number of publishers ?
17 How do I sex the Labidochromis caeruleus and the Os. socolofi ?
18 How do I tell the compression ratio and therefore which spark plugs to use ?
19 What do I tell the children ?
20 Right okay and now I 've finished a sentence How do i finish a sentence ?
21 The answer is 0.9 recurring , but I do not expect to be awarded great sums of public money for this discovery , which I freely give to the world ; nor do I demand the overthrow of government and its takeover by a gang of lower-class hooligans .
22 For example , if I know how to wash a dish at the kitchen sink , how do I wash a dish at the table ?
23 Do I detect a challenge , Virginia ? ’
24 Do I detect a desire for retribution against me , sweet Gina ? ’
25 Do I detect a note of compassion in your attitude , Mr Nicholson ? ’ said Fairham , contemptuously .
26 Do I detect a note of enthusiasm , Jacko ? ’
27 Do I detect a note of irony ? ’ asked Antony cheerfully .
28 Do I detect a note of serious intent creeping in ? ’
29 Do I detect a note of reluctance ? ’ he said wryly .
30 Do I detect a hint of criticism ?
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