Example sentences of "her [noun pl] down [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Black jeans encased his tautly muscled legs , a black sweater outlined the breadth of his shoulders and drew her eyes down to the firmly tapering waist .
2 Sally-Anne was delighted by his changed manner ; he always looked so charming when he smiled — even the scar seemed to disappear a little , and as she was always ready for fun herself — a trait she shared with her papa — and the game looked like being fun , she said , eyes shining , ‘ Oh , I play to win , too , but a good servant always does what the Master commands , ’ and she cast her eyes down in the manner of a stage domestic registering submission .
3 She took several deep breaths , hoping he would put the sudden bright colour in her cheeks down to the hot coffee she had just swallowed .
4 Dropping her bags down on the hall floor , she gave a sigh of relief as she shook the raindrops from her hair , and eased her thin jacket from her shoulders .
5 Then Carrie jumped aside as a passing bus threw up some slush from the gutter , and as she brushed her hands down over the bottom of her coat , she said , ‘ You 'd think they did it on purpose , ’ and as he went to assist her she stayed his hands , saying , ‘ It 'll only make it worse .
6 Caroline strode to the windows and plumped her hands down on the sill .
7 But then comes the time of differentiation , the time when the busy teacher takes her clothes down to the laundry on a Saturday morning and flings them in the laundry basket in the confidence that they will be returned neatly pressed later in the week .
8 He put her suitcases down in the driveway and reached into the boot to pass her a carry-case which Belinda recognised as containing a portable monitor , something like an electrically amplified stethoscope , which meant that it was often possible for a pregnant woman to hear her baby 's heartbeat as early as ten weeks into the pregnancy .
9 Slamming her tools down on the bench with almost enough force to break them , she flung the carving back into its box , then aimed a kick at it .
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