Example sentences of "her [noun pl] [vb past] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Sorry ! ’ she grinned awkwardly as her fingers searched the recesses of the paper and found nothing .
2 Her fingers felt the warmth of his skin through the silk of the shirt and innocently lingered over the heavy beat of his heart .
3 Her hands slid beneath his shirt and the reality of his flesh under her fingers made the blood sing in her veins .
4 Without her even being aware she was doing it , her fingers rearranged the items on the desk .
5 Her fingers seized the scissors from his slackened grasp , and she snipped at the strand of hair he held .
6 Her fingers touched the wallet , now tucked away in her inner pocket , and she made up her mind to confide in Susan .
7 Maggie put a hand in her coat pocket , and with the tips of her fingers touched the piece of scrimshaw she 'd found in the mud where their house had once stood .
8 Her fingers pressed the switches and the lights on the ceiling of the incident room flickered into life .
9 Victorine stared at her reflection held in the ornate frame of the mirror over the fireplace while her fingers dusted the china vases that flanked it .
10 Theda looked away , although her fingers returned the pressure .
11 A daze of bliss engulfed her , and as her hand encountered the back of his head her fingers fondled the hair at the nape .
12 Her fingers drummed the table top .
13 While she measured him up for size , her fingers trailed the tape measure precariously into his crotch .
14 I can feel blood on my shoulder , where her teeth broke the skin .
15 Her words touched the hearts and minds of the students .
16 Her words belied the apprehension she undoubtedly harboured over facing her biggest test yet .
17 Her subjects included the Queen Mother , Edward Heath , Bianca Jagger ; and then she teamed up with Tina Brown ( now Editor-in-Chief of Vanity Fair .
18 Her lips formed the words , a small cry .
19 Tentatively , her lips returned the brush of his , and she heard a moan deep in his throat .
20 Her lips mouthed the words but no real sound came from them .
21 The bluish shadows beneath her eyes made the eyes themselves look enormous .
22 But as I was walking around I noticed how her eyes followed the dog with great interest .
23 Once more her eyes consumed the beauty of that sad face — she saw its fruit-like quality ( Aunt Tossie loved nectarines ) but it was an unripe fruit she saw , greenish in its pallor .
24 Without thinking she snapped off a shot towards him , and through the blur of sweat in her eyes saw the figure spin , and lurch .
25 George stopped and Libby crouched beside him , waiting until her eyes saw the figure by the tree .
26 Haphazardly her eyes skimmed the blueness as the sound grew .
27 Her eyes spanned the room , once , twice , and seemed to find something threatening in the silence .
28 She was full of tension as her eyes searched the group with seeming casualness .
29 As her eyes scanned the yard , she caught sight of him coming out of one of the stables .
30 Her eyes scanned the horizon .
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