Example sentences of "her [noun pl] [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Her misgivings sprang to life again .
2 It was a movement she 'd made a million times before , yet as soon as her fingers came into contact with his thick , silky hair she felt a jolt as though an electric current had shot right through her , making her start back in surprise .
3 Her fingers glittered with gold and her greedy eyes raked the room over his shoulder .
4 Stricken by a sudden overwhelming need , her fingers flew in search of his shirt buttons .
5 She clomped down the steps in her ankle boots and blue woollen dress , and stood shyly beside Willie , twisting the hem of her dress in her hand till her knickers came into view .
6 Because her talents lay in organization , personal inspiration , and a somewhat Wagnerian style of oratory , rather than in writing and analytical thought , it is difficult to pinpoint precisely the nature of her impact upon contemporaries , but she clearly inspired great personal devotion in both women and men .
7 Her shoulders shook with laughter , her alabaster cheeks flushed with warmth .
8 Her shoulders sagged in defeat and it became clear to the watching man that she accepted their veracity .
9 Her words drifted like smoke .
10 She was tired out now , her eyes ached from lack of sleep and jet-lag , and she glanced longingly at the king-sized bed with its lace-trimmed peach silk sheets .
11 Her eyes brimmed with tears .
12 She said , ‘ Who did you think it was , the cat 's mother ? ’ and this silly joke made her laugh till her eyes ran with water .
13 Her eyes strayed to Matthew 's table .
14 Doreen became agitated , her voice rising to a higher pitch as her eyes darted from Silas to Lucy .
15 While her eyes glazed with panic , his sparkled ironically .
16 She was white and trembling when Marguerite walked back into the room , looking quite alarmed when her eyes fell on Jenna 's pale face .
17 Then her eyes fell on Melissa and she came forward to greet her .
18 Her eyes flared with shock and resentment .
19 For a moment her eyes flared with anger , but then she seemed to laugh deep inside herself and her eyes changed , their anger replaced by a hard amusement .
20 ‘ Somehow — ’ her eyes flared with jealousy ‘ — that just makes your behaviour worse ! ’
21 Her eyes smarted with tears .
22 Her eyes sparkled with anger .
23 Her face was tranquil and still , but her eyes flashed like arrows from one face to the other , observing and remembering , before her large , creamy eyelids veiled their light .
24 Her eyes dilated with horror at what she had done .
25 For a few seconds she recoiled from him , her eyes dilated with horror .
26 Her eyes glittered with rage .
27 Her eyes blazed with shock , and …
28 Her eyes blazed at Emmie .
29 He noticed the colour high in her cheeks whilst her eyes danced with pleasure .
30 Her eyes leapt from Abraham begat Isaac and Isaac begat Jacob to Verse 25 of the Gospel According to St Matthew , to which she had turned simply because it began the New Testament and she had been unable to make anything of the Old .
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