Example sentences of "her [noun sg] in the first " in BNC.

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1 The importance of the role she was now , willy-nilly , being forced to play in European affairs , in spite ( or perhaps because ) of her increasing weakness and inefficiency , is shown by the great though indirect and unsought significance of her part in the first partition of Poland ( see pp. 273ff ) .
2 Her opponent in the first round of the matchplay today is Ada O'Sullivan of Ireland .
3 Clara pointed out that it had n't been donated by her father in the first place , but by Aunt Doris , as birthday presents , over the past seventeen years .
4 By and large they bore out what the girl 's uncle claimed — that it was with their consent , or even connivance , that the girl had gone to live with her uncle in the first place .
5 It was wrong to leave her family in the first place , wrong , having come here to go on leading the life she did . ’
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