Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [vb past] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Her hair looked very red in the bright light from the kitchen , and her ear-rings twinkled each time she moved her head .
2 Her hair looked very red on the black floor .
3 Her heart felt amazingly light , and she knew it was because of Tom and the way they were talking and laughing together over the morning 's task .
4 Her heart felt as empty as the cage in her hands .
5 Her heart beat very fast and her body shook with fear .
6 Anyway , granny did n't survive the war — her heart gave out one night and there was a big family funeral to which I did not go , having conveniently arranged to be on duty that day .
7 Her heart turned over sickly .
8 Her intimacy seemed completely impersonal , and he did rather like being appreciated for himself .
9 She was dark and beautiful , and when she laughed with her eyes shut and showed her white teeth , her skin looked even darker .
10 In a few hours she would come face to face once more with that same man who was responsible for his death and this time she was intent on making absolutely sure that what had been a teenage crush on her part remained just that .
11 ’ Wendy 's voice began to quaver , ‘ her breathing got very slow .
12 Under them , her breathing sounded very loud .
13 For some inexplicable reason her mind went completely blank .
14 Her mind felt frighteningly empty .
15 Her mind ranged over wide vistas of blood but her body took a shower and changed its clothes .
16 Her mind raced round forgotten slips into wrongdoing of her own .
17 Her mind leapt as high as the moon — somehow she knew the seal could answer her heart 's desire — but how could she make it happen ?
18 Her mind slid over this problem and rejected it , her thoughts returning to memories of Johnny as he had been when he had attempted to make love to her on the previous night .
19 The muscles in her neck felt as hard and twisted as wire rope .
20 The relationship ended after five years : her lover grew too tired to cope with caring for her .
21 One survivor told me that her apprenticeship lasted about four years and that that was normal at the time ( she started work in 1909 at 15 after an unsuccessful start in dressmaking ) .
22 Her opinion of her benefactor leapt up another few notches as she followed his messenger through to the tiny kitchen , where the porter dumped his box on the only available surface and bent to open the fridge .
23 Tingles ran down her spine and her mouth went quite dry .
24 Her mouth felt as dry as a bone and her eyes were closed against the intrusive light .
25 Her mouth felt suddenly dry and her lips parted just sufficiently to allow her tongue to moisten their parched surface .
26 Her hand went so quickly to cover her profile and her mouth became so taut , he thought she was going to weep with the same energy .
27 Her mouth seemed suddenly dry as she said , ‘ I 've promised , and I do n't like breaking promises . ’
28 As her mouth fell innocently open and her body relaxed , Ludovico Castelfranco examined her closely .
29 ‘ W-who … ? ’ she stammered , while some part of her intelligence prodded away that — could it be that he somehow knew that she was not the person she was pretending to be ?
30 Her waist looked even smaller with the great spread of the skirts and the blueness of her eyes was more intense than she 'd ever known .
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