Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [adv] [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 She had been unable to concentrate on her reading , her mind constantly straying to the conversation she had had with him in the rose gardens .
2 But today the eyes were vibrant with an anticipatory light and Lady Merchiston sat up against her pillows , her glance alternately flicking to the window and following her companion as she moved about the room , tidying up .
3 The last step but one creaked protestingly and she grimaced apprehensively , her body almost turning to stone as she waited for Dane to suddenly appear and demand to know what she was doing .
4 Artemis could hear her father still calling to her to turn her pony , but there was nothing she could do .
5 Shiona held her for a moment , her anger instantly vanishing to be replaced by a warm , maternal well of love .
6 " You two are my children , " she continued , her voice abruptly returning to normal , " you are all I have , the only things that are truly mine .
7 One former patient told me how her early childhood had been marred by her mother forever threatening to ‘ walk out and leave you all to it ’ whenever there was any family dispute — or even when one of the children did not comply with a request quickly enough .
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