Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 How soon would it be until her prince felt the same way ?
2 Flagstad gave the songs their première , so it 's intriguing to hear her successor bring the same kind of broad sweep , sincerity of purpose and rewarding breath-control to them .
3 She clenched her jaw to kill the sultry languor that was stealing over her at the sight of his thick lashes lying in two black arcs on his gilded cheekbones .
4 By the way , I 've seen to it that there are enough knives , forks and crockery for three and I 've told Gladys that it 's also her responsibility to keep the flat clean and tidy .
5 Kathleen flushed and was angry with herself for it and for allowing her sister to get the better of her again .
6 Her foot nudged the discarded arrow and , unthinkingly , she bent to pick it up .
7 Perdita , not in a party mood , had stayed in her tent reading The Maltese Cat .
8 What 's that girl got in her hair look the red hair band round .
9 It would break her heart to leave the lovely old stone barn in Buckinghamshire .
10 Miss Lavant 's scarlet coat was of fine tweed , her skin had the poreless look of porcelain .
11 Her skin had the beautiful , papery-thin translucence of great age .
12 As he had suspected , her skin had the unmistakable radiance of youth .
13 Her decision represented the final abandonment of a lifetime 's loyalty and could not have been easy to take .
14 Meh'Lindi whisked an electrolumen from her sash to supplement the dull rubescence of the single glow-globe .
15 While belatedly fulfilling her curtailed general education , she did not neglect her ambition to master the French language .
16 Wonderful Wang WORLD champion Wang Junxia fulfilled her ambition to become the first woman to run under 30 minutes for the 10,000 metres when she today slashed an astonishing 42 seconds off the world record .
17 Merrill bit her lip , fingering the envelope in her handbag containing the last of Elise 's unpaid bills — for an elm chest , a beautiful piece of furniture bearing Woodline Design 's distinctive label .
18 She saw too , in her mind 's eye , the heaving bulk of the buffalo bull struggling in the grass in its death throes , saw once more the blindly charging cow and the ragged black vultures flopping down out of the sky , and all these images crowding through her mind heightened the vague sense of turbulence that was growing inside her with the gathering storm .
19 Either that , or she made up her mind to marry the wretched fellow .
20 On the pale skin of her neck lay the red-and-purple butterfly of a love-bite .
21 He 'd brought home some hairs from the cross on the back of a donkey when she was cutting her teeth , and Ma had made a little black silk bag to put them in so they could hang round her neck to keep the funny turns away .
22 When her condition deteriorated the local authority decided , contrary to W. 's wishes and the opinion of the consultant attending her , to transfer her to a unit specialising in the treatment of eating disorders .
23 ‘ Guyana , ’ she lilted as one of the keys on her ring opened the topmost door on the last floor of the ramshackle old house .
24 After being cook on the last Whitbread she announced her intention to enter the next Whitbread in her own yacht , with an all women crew .
25 ’ The price of clean air must include changes in how each resident uses his or her car says the official plan adopted by the South Coast Air Quality Management District .
26 Fascination held her still and silent as she watched the slow , deliberate passage of the hand that moved across and down , over her stomach , the snowy whiteness of her skirt emphasising the rich coppery depth of his tan .
27 Gently , under the comforting warmth of the duvet , he removed her jersey and bra , but his hands , not satisfied , sank lower , their movements purposeful as he removed her skirt to reveal the black woolly tights .
28 When she was politely asked about her father 's health her reply startled the assembled company .
29 Although the Democrats increased their share of the vote , the party 's leader Janine Haines failed in her bid to become the first candidate from a minor party since 1966 to win a seat in the 148-seat House of Representatives .
30 Mrs Ozal 's supporters — among them many of those who deserted the party en masse in the 1989 municipal elections — like her attempt to dislodge the Islamic conservative wing , which now controls the party in Istanbul .
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