Example sentences of "her [noun] into a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But the squire found out and chopped his sister 's head off , which made her change into a baby rabbit .
2 April dipped her fingers into a paper cup of cider and flicked it at him before skipping away uphill .
3 She showered and dressed quickly in tan cords and a cream woollen top , brushing her hair into a cascade of soft curls .
4 ‘ I am referring to that foolish note you wrote me , ’ Theda said , winding her hair into a plait as she spoke , her voice deliberately cool over the tremors inside her .
5 This was exactly what she had been afraid of — flibbertigibbet though she was in most things , Candy could be positively terrier-like if she got her teeth into a mystery , refusing to let go until she 'd solved everything to her satisfaction .
6 I ca n't see her fitting into a country lifestyle , somehow . ’
7 Whichever may be the true explanation , it is certainly known that on her way across the wilderness north of Hermitage the queen was thrown by her horse into a peat bog , marked on modern maps as the Queen 's Mire .
8 The abrupt encounter , the strangeness of his question and the equal strangeness of her unpremeditated reply threw her mind into a turmoil .
9 ‘ Are you feeling better now , cara ? ’ he added , on that deeper , more gentle note which sent the small hairs on the nape of her neck into a kind of ecstasy of awareness .
10 Ruth did n't move , not a muscle other than the ones to widen her lips into a grin .
11 With an effort she managed to force her lips into a smile .
12 Blanche twisted her lips into a sneer .
13 The court was told that he beat his wife unconscious before pushing her and her car into a river .
14 piously tying her legs into a knot .
15 For each accomplishment they rewarded her : they put the jack-plug on the end of her forefinger into a socket on a box they wheeled to her bedside and when her eyes closed , the reward was a vision of her scintillating meanings .
16 I 'm fine , really , ’ she blurted , stretching her mouth into a smile which she sensed did n't quite come off .
17 Alyssia stretched her mouth into a mimicry of a smile .
18 With his hair slicked wetly back and his shirt cast casually over one tanned shoulder , leaving his impressively muscular torso bare , he was a vision that turned her mouth into a desert .
19 Then she shaped her mouth into a yap : ‘ Here 's the last of them , ’ and the black bolt came hurtling towards Elizabeth .
20 The Tigress 's favourite trick consists of awakening her lovers with a rifle-butt and watching with delight as they hurl themselves naked from her window into a dungheap .
21 Nathan watched her run into a supermarket .
22 She pulled on her towelling bathrobe and slid her feet into a pair of sandals .
23 Her legs had begun to acquire a nice , even tan , and she slipped her feet into a pair of sandals before brushing her still damp hair into a ponytail .
24 She was just slipping her feet into a pair of low black court shoes when the knock came on the door , and her heart leapt into her throat .
25 With heaving stomach , Kelly had gone to the kitchen , tipped the burnt remains of her cat into a plastic bag and took it downstairs to bury it in the garden .
26 She put trees in her shoes , rolled her stockings into a ball and folded everything else with a natural carefulness .
27 From time to time she dipped her fingertips into a glass jar and withdrew them laden with cream which she smoothed into her face and neck in lazy strokes .
28 It should n't have taken her long to pack and change out of her sundress into a skirt and blouse , but she found she was folding each garment at least twice , and several times she stood looking out of the window at the busy yard below .
29 As she said it she grinned from ear to ear , physically contorted by her joy into a sort of bow , arms out stiff behind her like someone about to fly .
30 The TV presenter twitched her cheeks into a smile of farewell .
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