Example sentences of "her [noun] and look [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He put both arms round her shoulders and looked down into her face with a wide grin .
2 Marie blocked the picture of Madge 's face out of her mind and looked up guiltily .
3 She sipped her tea and looked so long and thoughtfully into the fire that Carrie began to think she had forgotten her .
4 A short time later Betty stopped her scrubbing and looked out of the kitchen window .
5 She licked her lips and looked once more at Cleo .
6 Screwing up her eyes and looking round , it was with a sinking heart that she realised the enormity of her task .
7 He glimpsed the tenderness in her eyes and looked away , embarrassed .
8 To her horror she felt the sting of tears in her eyes and looked away again , refusing to let him see her moment of weakness .
9 To her horror Rory felt the sting of tears behind her eyes and looked away helplessly .
10 All in a flurry of dust it came towards her and then she heard Ferdinando shout her name and the neighing of the horse as it was pulled in and she trembled as she opened her eyes and looked up .
11 as if slapped across the face , she opened her eyes and looked up as her monster was tugged off its feet by invisible forces .
12 She opened her eyes and looked up at him .
13 She opened her eyes and looked straight into the beautiful face of the Italian .
14 Clara Beeding opened her eyes and looked quite relieved to see Jasper Lewens , Tracy Johnson and the guy with the wart .
15 Vincent looked towards Lily , who raised her eyes and looked back at him sadly .
16 Staring down at the girl , Pascoe saw in her the Martha he had known as a lad — the Martha he had loved and lost ; and while he stared , she opened her eyes and looked back up at him from the stinking bed of straw , and for a moment he felt a little stirring of fear .
17 She tossed her hair out of her eyes and looked down as Adrian approached .
18 ‘ I think so , ’ she said , straightening in her seat and looking around like someone who 'd fallen asleep on a long journey and awoken in an unfamiliar place .
19 Donna swivelled in her seat and looked across towards the bed .
20 Melissa shifted in her seat and looked down at her hands .
21 She sticks the cigarette in her mouth and looks around for matches .
22 Lindsey reached for her pen and looked up , smiling , as the first patient walked into the room .
23 But as time progressed , and as she became ‘ official ’ as a member of the KGB , it was always the babushka who averted her gaze and looked away .
24 Penelope poured tonic into her gin and looked away from him .
25 Quickly , she jumped to her feet and looked around .
26 The lassitude still on her , she came slowly to her feet and looked down at the boy , who stood up , shifting uneasily .
27 She fumbled a pair of glasses from the folds of her sari and looked down the register .
28 When she had eventually plucked up her courage and looked out of the window , she had been entranced by the views from the carriage and the speed of travel .
29 She lifted the hem of her nightie and looked determinedly at the scar on her thigh .
30 Creggan saw Minch staring intently out into this nothingness , and then drop forward to the front of her cage and look fixedly at the benches , and at the harmless litter bin which Woil had used as a stance during his brief escape .
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