Example sentences of "so [det] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The complex processes set in train with such a blithe disregard of consequence and so little consideration of effect , will of course work their way out in many dimensions .
2 Given the current arrangements in primary and secondary care , it is hardly surprising that there has been so little assessment of efficiency to date .
3 ‘ What is the matter , you Christian men , that you so greatly esteeme so little portion of golde more than your own quietnesse …
4 Excitement fades to disillusionment , and so another piece of technology goes to gather dust on a storeroom shelf .
5 Why are there so few collectors of art in the United Kingdom ?
6 One might hardly suspect that so simple a task for so few seconds of film could prove so practically trying and , on reflection , so symbolic of our whole chain of adventures , attempting to keep aloft and alive a consecutive string of luminous mirrors against rather ridiculous odds .
7 So this wealth of information — all of it updated much more regularly than you could expect through normal information channels — is greatly under-used .
8 So this type of mortgage is most suited to individuals who are able to plan ahead with confidence .
9 Right okay so this group of study here , you can get all your stuff and your videos , follow me and I 'll take you to the rooms .
10 So this aspect of defence is quite close to being a private good as it is excludable and rivalrous , hence some households build their own shelters .
11 So this figure of fun is going to bed now .
12 Even so this attribute of mind has a biological basis , and intercalates with thought forms of a very different nature .
13 In many parts of the land you could n't get ‘ Royals ’ so this sort of brogue ( black ) was worn as an acceptable alternative .
14 some of you are a lot younger than me of course , it could be a lot smaller , but er er showing this to teenagers , if you work out what age a teenager will be in the year twenty forty , they 'll be about er in their mid sixties so this period of time , basically , is the time over which our present er generation of schoolchildren will have their adult life .
15 We should also remember that just as not every piece of writing need go through one or more stages of drafting , so some pieces of writing need not be pursued to a finished stage .
16 However , in the latter city , building costs were almost as high as those of London , so some form of subsidy was necessary .
17 There must come a time when so much head of water is piled against the beach that at certain points it is enough to initiate return seaward flows , which are the rip currents .
18 He does n't think that women should be allowed so much freedom of movement , although he understands that this is regrettably the custom , to this day , among white women . ’
19 This fear of being intellectually inadequate ( an unnecessary fear where we , the adults , have so much experience of life to share with the children in our care ) is eased by a subconscious desire to help the less able .
20 Secondly , given this definition , why in so much discussion of deindustrialization is the emphasis placed on manufacturing ?
21 Such comments explain why there can be so much discussion of undergraduate courses within specific disciplines , and yet so little of the undergraduate curriculum as a whole .
22 So much discussion of disruption loses its way with attention wandering from one priority to another .
23 But for the children running up and down the aisles in church or the yobs in leather jackets barging the queue at petrol stations , the elderly are n't so much objects of deference as obstacles to be pushed peremptorily aside .
24 It is not so much lack of intelligence , though compared with other Labour post-war leaders , Attlee , Gaitskell , Wilson , Callaghan and Foot , Mr Kinnock certainly does not shine .
25 I think you find it with most West Indian parents … it was n't so much lack of enthusiasm , they just did n't have the time .
26 As we approached the Ruhr , scene of so many destructive raids by the RAF and the American Air Force , and so much loss of life , there seemed to be nothing but ruins in every direction .
27 A machine worked so many hours in the week would produce so much length of yarn or cloth .
28 The in-between bits — what some call life — seemed by such standards to be so much waste of time , which they could not be done with fast enough .
29 Some of the children at school went out to do a traffic count recently and there was so much volume of traffic that the children were not able to keep up with th putting the in the to keep up with the volume of traffic .
30 He also commented : ‘ It must be wondered why so many different guides have been produced , with so much duplication of effort , particularly when the overall impression is that they were prepared within libraries without reference to the needs of readers and without consultation or collaboration with the subject teachers . ’
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