Example sentences of "so [adv] as i be " in BNC.

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1 I only have to take a moment to get my eyes strong and then I can push it out , this strongness , at anything at all so long as I am staring at it hard enough …
2 So long as I am Prime Minister , the administrations I lead will have these priorities :
3 ‘ Not so long as I am working for you . ’
4 So long as I am responsible for transport in Northern Ireland , I shall continue to fight that corner as best I can .
5 ‘ The position does not matter to me so long as I am playing .
6 I knew I would never finish a book so long as I was on the North Shore , either .
7 Bread never went mouldy in Algeria , which meant that so long as I was prepared for a good chew , I could always buy enough to last to the next village .
8 No harm in picking up the extra dough , so long as I was doing my client 's work at the same time . ’
9 Caught in what promised to be a whirlpool of conflicting dogmatic beliefs , Eric , who did n't care either way so long as I was happy , went off to see Mgr O'Flaherty , a well-known priest who had given help and shelter to large numbers of escaping prisoners-of-war and was now an important figure in the Holy Office .
10 So long as I was looking for someone who might want to murder Michael Banks , I was getting nowhere .
11 You did n't care if I was in any danger , just so long as I was suitably humbled ! ’
12 ‘ He would n't kill you so long as I 'm alive .
13 In other words , so far as I am concerned , unless and until we are prepared to deal with this demonstrated cause of inflation and want to do so , we are wasting our time ; and as soon as we want to do so , there is no reason to suppose that there will be any problem or therefore any reason for an incomes policy as defined .
14 So far as I am aware , no writer on Ultra has noted the comparison between the Coventry affair and an episode in the First World War when secret intelligence was apparently neglected in order to protect the source .
15 I will tell you plainly that so far as I am concerned that objective is the promotion of books … . ’
16 So far as I am aware it is no longer in production but there must be many thousands in existence and it is a reasonable assumption that many of these are not now being used .
17 So far as I am concerned , wet-weather ferreting is n't worth the effort .
18 So far as I am aware , no perfect copy is known .
19 So far as I am concerned , it is too late to change .
20 So far as I am aware , we have no evidence , for example , to show whether male unemployment which in some areas has been higher than the rate for females , has enabled tending tasks of old relatives to be taken on by men who remain at home .
21 I ca n't stand pink , so any jumper knitted in pink is rapidly passed over , so far as I am concerned .
22 In so far as I am using an expression , as distinct from attending to it , I am at home in it .
23 I say that , so far as I am concerned .
24 She was a devout Catholic and , so far as I am aware , morally unassailable .
25 So far as I am aware , this was the first occasion on which it was made clear that the period which elapses before a prisoner serving a life sentence is released is determined by consideration of two factors , namely : ( i ) the period necessary to satisfy retribution and deterrence , which has come to be called ‘ the tariff ; ’ and ( ii ) a possible further period if it is thought by the Parole Board and/or the Secretary of State that the prisoner would pose an unacceptable risk of danger to the public were he to be released at the end of his tariff period .
26 No doubt this was obiter but , so far as I am aware , no one since 1842 has doubted that it is a correct statement of the constitutional position .
27 Nor was this proposition ever propounded , so far as I am aware , by Dick Crossman .
28 Motability has earned one peerage and an OBE or two , but otherwise virtue is its own reward , and so far as I am concerned , it has been the most successful achievement of my career and the most fortunate thought that ever came into my head .
29 Only the dull earth can purify me , contact with all else is a defilement so far as I am concerned .
30 The point is that Humpage was brought on to bowl before lunch on the first morning of the match , and one wonders whether a selected wicketkeeper has ever been introduced into the attack to early a stage of a first-class match , especially since so far as I am aware Warwickshire suffered no injuries that morning .
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