Example sentences of "so [adv] as [noun pl] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 A small chorus has applauded such a shift in resources , arguing that prohibition of drugs will always fail so long as Americans remain so determined to get hold of them .
2 So long as Americans pay outrageous sums for cocaine , traffickers will continue to let enough crumbs trickle down to the farmers to make growing coffee or citrus an unattractive alternative .
3 So long as newspapers remain in awe of political authority , they are beyond criticism ; once they challenge that authority , they suffer the full force of its reaction .
4 Hungarians are no longer afraid , at least not so long as reformers run Russia , that Soviet tanks will snuff out their democratic experiment , as they did in 1956 .
5 I am an advocate of concentrating money market business rather than spreading it among a large number of banks ; so long as banks know that they are in competition it does not matter if they are competing with two or three others , or 50 : if they do not offer the best rate they will not get the business .
6 So long as men dominate women in conversation by restricting their talk , our folklinguistic beliefs will include the idea that women talk incessantly .
7 So long as assets remain available they will have caused the company to borrow on mortgage , but when the company 's credit is exhausted they may attempt to keep the company afloat by themselves making unsecured loans to it .
8 So long as politicians think that they are entitled to manipulate the money supply to win elections , the conditions for a thriving industry will not be obtained .
9 If we take a social view of language , and accept that it is the possession of the community as well as internal to speakers ' minds , we must be prepared to accept that reversal of merger can take place in this way , so long as speakers know that meat is an alternating class .
10 I argue that race may be a factor in the puzzle but only in so far as blacks feel their belonging to a specific race may affect their futures .
11 Put another way , in so far as companies have power , is not that power justifiable on the basis that those who exercise it can claim a moral right to do so ?
12 In so far as women have these contacts rather than men — even if sometimes they are , as it were , on behalf of men — it is likely that they are in a position to mobilize support in a way that men are not .
13 In so far as institutions find it more profitable to invest abroad , UK companies may find it more difficult to float new share issues .
14 The function of a library service is to provide so far as resources allow , all books , periodicals , etc. , other than the trivial , in which its readers claim legitimate interest .
15 In so far as leaks advertise unhappiness about a line of policy they undermine the principle of collective responsibility , as well as the confidentiality of proceedings .
16 Most often associated with the school of functional sociology , these ideas have as axiomatic a pluralist integrative approach to political development , in which the centre is synonymous with authority ; and in so far as societies fail to conform with the model of integrated consensual authority , they are not properly modern .
17 In so far as tactics have evidently changed ( for instance in public order policing : McCabe et al . ,
18 It is also how one must determine whether others have acted well or not , so far as externals go , though how far they have acted well in a proper inward sense , that is , how far they have been truly guided by the categorical imperative , rather than by the calculations of self interest , is hidden away in the depths of their being , hidden perhaps even from themselves .
19 This involves a medical solution in so far as GPs seek medical care in a hospital environment .
20 The Tiebout hypothesis appears to mitigate this , in so far as individuals reveal their preferences by ‘ voting with their feet ’ .
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