Example sentences of "so [adv] [conj] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Secure placements , once made , should only be for so long as is necessary and unavoidable .
2 ( 4 ) The justices were under a duty to make any secure accommodation order only for so long as was necessary .
3 Harry was a little worried to see the water supply diminishing so rapidly but was pleased that Lucy was enjoying herself .
4 I was so glad the phone box was so near and was operational , as were almost all public phones at that time .
5 as regards any duty or requirement imposed on his employer or any other person by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions , to co-operate with him so far as is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with .
6 Reference is made to the report for the hearing for a fuller account of the facts in the proceedings before the national court , the course of the procedure and the written observations submitted to the Court of Justice , which are mentioned or discussed hereinafter only in so far as is necessary for the reasoning of the court .
7 any consequence ( except so far as is necessary to meet the requirements of the Road Traffic Acts ) of war invasion act of foreign enemy hostilities ( whether war be declared or not ) civil war rebellion revolution insurrection or military or usurped power
8 Indeed , it goes beyond that , so far as is necessary to promote a written constitution based on federal principles .
9 In so far as is possible , such new activities should depend on local human and physical resources .
10 Teachers will be able to identify pupils ' weaknesses , which they will then be expected , so far as is possible , to correct .
11 In the case of a terraced house or semi , inspection ( so far as is possible ) must be made of party walls , roof junctions , fire partition of roof spaces , common drives and paths ; then let your solicitor deal with any problems of maintenance and repair arising , but be sure to establish the responsibilities .
12 They have , so far as is possible , wished to interpret the texts within a context of earlier teaching and pre-conciliar practice , against which the Council was , to a considerable extent , deliberately reacting ; yet , as the texts even as finally formulated remain to a considerable extent a jumble deriving from different hands and including material composed substantially before the Council began , there is much in them to countenance such a viewpoint .
13 Thus human beings , animals , plants , and all other genuine units in the world , on whatever scale , struggle each to exist in its own way , this , on the one side , being a matter of a certain physical individual having an inbuilt tendency to operate , so far as is possible , to preserve itself , in its distinctive form , and on the other hand , of the corresponding mind having an inbuilt tendency to preserve its particular form of experience .
14 Those rules are therefore designed to preclude , in so far as is possible and from the outset , the possibility of a situation arising such as that referred to in article 27(3) , that is to say the non-recognition of a judgment on account of its irreconcilability with a judgment given in a dispute between the same parties in the state in which recognition is sought .
15 Because much of the product is already familiar to readers this review will concentrate , so far as is possible , on the upgrades and the reasons behind them rather than the existing features .
16 Once the communications parameters have been set up the whole process is very simple and , so far as is possible , completely error-free .
17 Under our system , it falls to the police to ensure that such events are organised in such a way that disorder does not ensue , and that so far as is possible , the event can take place with as little dislocation to the ordinary life of the community as is compatible with the proper exercise of freedom of speech in public .
18 It is necessary to distinguish between gradual and abrupt , minor and major , peaceful and violent political changes ; and so far as is possible to connect these diverse phenomena with their causes or conditions .
19 The lord abbot here has been good enough to admit me to his confidence so far as is appropriate , since I was a witness of what happened this morning , but now you have cause to enquire further , as I understand .
20 Thus s27 of the Partnership Act states : ( 1 ) Where a partnership entered into for a fixed term is continued after the term has expired , and without any express new agreement , the rights and duties of the partners remain the same as they were at the expiration of the term , so far as is consistent with the incidents of a partnership at will .
21 Thus every local authority has a general duty : ( a ) to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in need within its area ; and ( b ) so far as is consistent with that duty , to promote the upbringing of such children by their families .
22 This , so far as is material , is in the following terms :
23 Unlike a winding-up , the board of directors does not become functus officio on the appointment of a receiver but the directors ' powers are substantially superseded since they can not act so as to interfere with the discharge by the receiver of his responsibilities and accordingly their powers are suspended ‘ so far as is requisite to enable a receiver to discharge his functions . ’
24 ’ The entitlement to recover their expenses for doing the work derived , at the relevant time , from section 10(3) of the Act which provided , so far as is relevant :
25 Section 2 of the Housing ( Consequential Provisions ) Act 1985 provides , so far as is relevant :
26 It follows however that , so far as is relevant for the purposes of the present appeal , I do not consider that much weight can be attached to the argument of Wickes that section 47 is inconsistent with article 30 .
27 Section 16 of the Theft Act 1968 , so far as is relevant , provides :
28 It is necessary to start by considering the structure of the Act of 1986 , so far as is relevant .
29 So far as is relevant , the sequence of events was as follows .
30 If , on the other hand , this jurisdiction was not so transferred and vested in the High Court , then it was equally common ground that it would have been preserved by section 12 of the Act of 1873 , which provides , so far as is relevant :
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