Example sentences of "so [pers pn] [be] just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So I am just throwing it out in the air , I do n't think it 's that s
2 So I 'm just go through
3 so I 'm just looking for er a T-shirt or something for Lisa no you ca n't have the pen it 's too sharp yeah , you 're crafty you are are n't you , you can get zips open now mm
4 You 'd be talking anyways would n't you so I 'm just taping you talking .
5 So I 'm just hoping those roller boots are gon na fit her now .
6 He 's had me there specifically , so I 'm just wasting my time .
7 And to be fair to you I 'm again going to give you a few minutes to talk about that , not quite as long as the other time , then I 'll ask you to jot a couple of things down as well as , so I 'm just telling you in advance .
8 so I 'm just making it
9 well , if you can get on with doing that thing , sit down and look through those magazines with me and I 'll show you the prices that I can get them at retail I mean at trade , all the prices cos I 've got that two and a half thousand gallon job and that is only seventy quid , so I 'm just gon na have one of those , I 'm gon na have that with a U V A filter and eight er eight watt U V A filter which is fifty quid , that then , which is for one of those tanks which is for three hundred and fifty , but that 's not , I 've that 's
10 It is so I 'm just putting it in half now .
11 Yeah hello mate yeah yeah I do n't know I 've not received it yet no so I 'm just waiting for er someone to bomb into my office yeah do you want it , what , what , do you want it colour mate or black and white ?
12 My mum washed mine at the weekend and they 're in a pile on my floor and I have n't been arsed so I 'm just sleeping on the mattress with the bare duvet .
13 This has n't been used for some time so it 's a bit so I 'm just going to wipe it out so there are no particles or foreign bodies in there .
14 And anyway I 'm going to leave that on one side now because it 's more erm a problem to reconciling Mill 's views about liberty with his views about a proper government rather than directly about governments , so I 'm just going to note that and move on now .
15 So I 'm just wondering whether this is a different variety and because it was two years ago , I three years ago now I think .
16 So I 'm just wondering
17 There was never any budget and so I was just using stuff that I 'd already recorded here and there — hence the roughness of it .
18 So I was just saying that this year it would be hopefully everybody will go through it .
19 and , and , so I was just giggling away , talk a load of rubbish , and no no , you need a new clutch , forget it , forget it .
20 So she 's just rang up , her car 's gone completely to bits and erm
21 So she 's just done all that training , she said , you know she 's done her
22 So she were just having a crumpet , she 's but butter were all melting , I says I can just picture now running down your chin and
23 so she were just having a few crumpets
24 so you 're just dividing
25 So you 're just doing one
26 So you 're just going to compile a menu and you 're gon na hope that Joe public likes what you 've put on ?
27 It 's not full of so you 're just going straight through water , just so you 're sliding
28 So you 're just arguing about Shropshire 's allocation , it 's got nothing to do with government policy affairs , about holding Cou local government spending er , within limits , you 're not saying that .
29 So you were just lying listening to music in between the chair and the couch ?
30 So we 're just rearranging the first expression , okay , and getting this one right so now we 've got er a decision rule to obtain a , farmers will form their expectation of prices say next year , in T right , on the basis of last year 's price , last year 's actual price and last year 's , the expectation of last year 's actual price okay .
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