Example sentences of "so [adv] she [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So presumably she must know .
2 Anthony had written that Julia seemed to like him , and so perhaps she could keep him out of their way .
3 He bent over to speak so only she could hear him .
4 All was so still she could hear the tick of a beetle
5 so hopefully she 'll give me a cheque next week he does n't get frightened so easily now does he ?
6 So far she 'd run a mind-movie of Malvern with Elgar , the Outer Hebrides with Mendelssohn , Box Hill with Vivaldi , Santa Cruz with The Beach Boys , Baltimore with Laurie Anderson , and Corfu with Grieg .
7 So now she 'll get her own back . ’
8 So now she will give them what they want , because of me , ’ said Carl quietly .
9 ‘ Miss Maxwell was perfectly normal in her behaviour at school — except that she was perhaps too much the model student — but every so often she would disappear , usually for about three days , once for a whole week .
10 Every so often she would totter , and since her companion walked more purposefully she was having to add a half-step every so often in order to keep up .
11 She had a heavily lined face , a prominent , almost hawk-like nose , but she had kindly eyes and every so often she would display a vein of sharp humour that suggested her family had to keep their shoes clean when they approached her little parlour .
12 But she had spent the whole long night playing at make-believe , so surely she could manage to play the game a while longer .
13 As the train drew into Bodmin , Alexandra found herself clasping her own hands so tightly she could feel the seams of her gloves grinding into her flesh and wished , passionately for the visit to be a success , for them to like her house , approve of what she had done — and above all , to leave her alone to do it .
14 A minute or so earlier she might have burst out laughing again at what she considered was an ‘ over the top ’ compliment but — and she owned that seeing Ven Gajdusek was to blame — she suddenly felt in a laughing mood no longer .
15 So sometimes she would sit out a dance or two by herself in the outhouse , by the Gironde , by the Garonne , in the Haut-Médoc , the Graves , Entre-Deux-Mers .
16 So why she 'd like to go to France on
17 He did not answer and she said , ‘ David ? ’ so softly she might have been waking him .
18 She shone so brightly she could have been freshly painted ; you were afraid that if you touched her you 'd smudge something .
19 Some women can become fixed in the ‘ negative pole ’ expression of image , however ; just as a woman can wear a rigid mask of beauty , so too she can go to the opposite extreme and deliberately make herself ugly in order to protect herself and demonstrate her anger against the world , or , possibly , her dislike of men .
20 Dependent in the sense of looking after them but she is independent so therefore she may own her own home so there 's obviously the opportunity what happens .
21 So therefore she could do what she wanted with it .
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