Example sentences of "so [adv] as [noun] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 The commission could agree to forget about the argument over the date at which the directive applied , so long as Britain removes all the ‘ excessive discretion . ’
2 It will without much doubt remain true , however , that so long as Britain attaches paramount importance to tying her currency in with the Deutschmark and to the other European currencies , her governments will be inhibited from acting in the direct interest of British citizens .
3 And of his views in the 1840s he wrote : " We were now much less democrats than I had been , because so long as education continues to be so wretchedly imperfect , we dreaded the ignorance and especially the selfishness and brutality of the mass … " ( p. 138 )
4 In turn , such attitudes must inevitably remain indeterminate , so long as history has more roads down which to stumble .
5 So long as China has the PLA as its powerful back-up , attempts by ( Western ) hostile forces are doomed to failure , and there is absolutely no way for the socialist system to be abolished on the earth . ’
6 So long as heterosexism continues , it will continue to spawn separatism .
7 In a population confined to a particular habitat competition for limited resources is an inevitable feature of life so long as reproduction occurs .
8 Competition for limited resources is an inevitable feature of life so long as reproduction occurs in the context of finite supplies .
9 Masculinity can be problematized , even feminized , so long as homosexuality remains as its defining other .
10 Although the laws will doubtless be tightened , no cure for the current state of financial laxity will be found so long as Yugoslavia has a ‘ soft budget ’ approach to monetary policy , and persists in its attempts to combine self-management with the doctrine of ‘ social ownership ’ .
11 So long as demand stays at 1,000 units , no net investment will take place .
12 From time to time there have arisen political factions whose leaders have sought to base their power on the doctrine that there can be no peace and prosperity on earth so long as mankind harbours religious thoughts and worships ‘ gods ’ .
13 The media is free to publish and be damned , so long as damnation comes after , and not before , the word gets out .
14 It remains to be seen whether this suggestion will become law , but the only really confident prediction must be that so long as capitalism remains , trusts will continue to change and develop so as to meet changes in social conditions and the tax structure .
15 I do guarantee it — just so long as Silvia passes her exams . ’
16 In so far as history aspires to meaning , it is doomed to select regions , periods , groups of men and individuals in these groups and to make them stand out , as discontinuous figures , against a continuity barely good enough to be used as a backdrop .
17 In so far as decorum allows I have tried to do so myself , and at some cost to my reputation for a sympathetic bedside manner .
18 In the case of a company limited by shares , normally the only liability imposed on a shareholder as such will be to pay up the nominal value of the shares and any premium in so far as payment has not already been made by a previous holder .
19 There do not appear to have been any empirical studies which have looked for an increase in the amount of information reflected in share prices as a result of the commencement of trading in index futures ( except in so far as volatility reflects information ; see Chapter 13 ) .
20 In literate society , these interlocking conversations go on ; but they are no longer man 's only dialogue ; and in so far as writing provides an alternative source for the transmission of cultural orientations it favours awareness of inconsistency .
21 Both make-ups can be available at the same time and , so far as value goes , there is nothing to choose between them .
22 We are , says Derrida , still inside structuralism in so far as structuralism constitutes ‘ an adventure of vision , a conversion in the way of putting questions to any object ’ ( Derrida 1978 : 3 ) .
23 In so far as socialism means the collective ownership and management of the economy and social relations , it requires an extensive administrative apparatus .
24 In so far as NAB has been regarded as an interim arrangement , despite the dropping of the word ‘ Interim ’ from the original title of the main body , questions about its future are bound to arise .
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