Example sentences of "so [conj] [verb] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 So that meant that he was he could n't sort of do a heavy heavy work so he just used to do odd job things you know , he 'd sell horse and carts and er he 'd go down to the pier when he used to do the fishing boats , he used to come in and he 'd buy a box of fish from them and go round the streets selling them you know .
2 Not only have we got young people from all the political parties involved , but we 've also got Sir Geoffrey Howe , John Smith , David Owen , Lord Jenkins , in other words one senior representative from each of the major political parties has agreed to be a patron er so that shows that it is a cross-party initiative .
3 That means that we are locked into issuing fire certificates since we rely on the and it imposes a marked official erm , performance target on us , we ca n't afford to let the numbers of inspections of supported defences drop , so that means that we 've got to find money from elsewhere in the budget .
4 I remember a on the telephone , you know , I used to speak and talk and talk , apparently she would switch to German , so that means that I ca n't someone
5 it 's twenty two so that means that it 's ten degrees ten above zero .
6 This is the final account , so that means that you 've finished altogether with the property .
7 So that means if you picked a bit of the outline up now , pick a bit alright , I reckon if you do area select now select
8 So that means if you could line up a hundred million atoms you 'd just reach one centimetre ?
9 Right so that means if there 's nobody moving out , John ca n't move in ?
10 So that means until we 've heard from , one of them , we ca n't sort of ascertain finally the , the , the programme for the next few weeks .
11 So whether it means add or take away or subtract or negative we can sort of forget about it and just look at the signs so if get if we get take away plus three , that will be the same as take away plus three , yeah ?
12 May I do so and see whether he is still of the same mind ?
13 It is as well at this point to confirm that it is so and to add that there are further complications , bibliographical and biographical .
14 It is always dangerous to prophesy , but I am prepared to do so and say that it will not be possible to hold the pound at DM2.95 .
15 When he asked me if I played I admitted that I had done so but insisted that I really was very bad .
16 They agreed that he had a discretion under the statute whether or not to do so but said that he was not justified in refusing if the result was to frustrate the policy of the Act of Parliament .
17 There is another duty also to be considered : and that is the duty which Lord Atkin put in this wise : ‘ You must not injure your neighbour : ’ which I would expand so as to say that there is a duty on every man not to injure his neighbour by his want of reasonable care .
18 Before he could go out so as to wait until he could have the place to himself , the figure levered himself up , bowed to the altar , and turned and saw him .
19 The royals take an obscure pride in their penny-pinching , details of which are leaked to the press from time to time so as to suggest that they are , in fact , just like us .
20 It was generally believed that they were proposing to seek an electoral pact with the Conservatives , so as to ensure that they would hold their seats against what was expected to be a Conservative landslide at the next general election .
21 South Africa 's reply has been to attack transport and economic installations that link the neighbours so as to ensure that they remain dependent on South Africa .
22 Groups such as Families Against Intimidation and Terror , the Newry hostage support group , Enough is Enough , the Peace Train Movement and New Consensus in Northern Ireland are standing up against the people of violence so as to ensure that there is another approach and a different tactic .
23 Such an order may be made so as to ensure that there is a home for the children of the marriage .
24 This required taking such steps as arranging the candidate 's schedule so as to ensure that he arrived at campaign stops in time for coverage on the nightly news .
25 The Commission finally agreed on Dec. 21 , 1989 , after some years of often bitter disagreement , on a formula for determining whether cross-border corporate mergers within the EC should be subject to vetting by the Commissioner for competition policy so as to determine whether they would result in an unduly large market share for the newly merged companies ( for earlier drafts see p. 36310 ) .
26 Section 2 of the Sex Discrimination Act 1986 amends s. 6(4) of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 so as to provide that it is unlawful for a person to discriminate against a woman :
27 However , if he has disclosed that fact so as to indicate that he is transferring to the purchaser only his own possessory title , then he will not be in breach of the condition , section 12(3) .
28 So when mentioned that she still had 4 tickets left , I took the plunge and said yes we would be interested .
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