Example sentences of "so [adv] as i could " in BNC.

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1 No-one else in our aircraft appeared to be the least bit concerned , but my relief as we finally drew near the coast of England again and then began our descent to the safety of solid earth was so great that I made a little promise to myself that I would never again set foot in an aeroplane , so long as I could be permitted to survive this one trip .
2 Nobody destroys me , and nobody was going to destroy Johnnie so long as I could sit by his bed — some of his family tried to stop me — and will my life force into him . ’
3 These occasions , so far as I could tell , brought neither of us any pleasure .
4 The Canadian has an operating crew of five ( excluding the dozen or so service staff ) and no one is entirely clear what they all do : fill out forms mostly , so far as I could see .
5 The pancake , so far as I could tell , was a mixture of potato , cabbage , onion and seasonings .
6 So far as I could judge , it was the smoothest-running diesel of its type on the market at the time , and the quickest , ’ he says .
7 M. Dupont , so far as I could observe , was not contributing to the discussions , and it was hard to tell from his sullen demeanour if he was attending carefully to what was being said or else deeply engrossed in other thoughts .
8 Mr Lewis , so far as I could ascertain , had already retired .
9 So far as I could judge , events , were now moving in my favour .
10 Instead of waiting to be salvaged , some of the inhabitants had got together in an effort to cheer things up , and , so far as I could gather from the film , they were busying themselves pasting pieces of brightly coloured plastic over broken windows .
11 I rather obviously avoided , so far as I could , offering even the most tentative diagnosis of the defect in the tripartite analysis which Gettier exposed .
12 I was in a large ward full of ailing women , many of them , so far as I could judge , suffering from senile decay .
13 I went after the money with money borrowed from legit sources so far as I could : you know , against property , against insurance policies .
14 He was immensely well-read on political history in the nineteenth century and more recent times , and he deployed a memory of fantastic accuracy , but so far as I could judge he had read virtually nothing else .
15 What I had to look forward to at best , so far as I could see , was marriage with a worthy young man such as Paolo , with whom I already felt myself to be in love , then children and a life of boring respectability in the Pianura Padana .
16 In all my texts and documents , there were , so far as I could tell , no moments of pure , unfettered subjectivity ; indeed , the human subject itself began to seem remarkably unfree , the ideological product of the relations of power in a particular society .
17 Madam Deputy Speaker there is course another matter of er of er broader significance and that is that er whilst these orders er er er cover erm certain financial institutions , they do n't erm they do n't cover others , they do n't cover Lloyds of London in so far as I could see , erm I 'd half expected to see the honourable member for Gloucester West er in his place to pursue his campaign that apparently he er he he is not able to be here and indeed er others who sit on the benches opposite who lost a large sum of money in Lloyds , er but they might have had something to say about it as it does seem odd that Lloyds has not been covered , no doubt the minister would tell us that needs primary legislation and I I 'm quite sure this government would move heaven and earth not to introduce another Lloyds bill er because of er the problems that that would no doubt attract .
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