Example sentences of "so [adv] as it [vb past] " in BNC.

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31 For this reason EC Directives in the 1960s provided for the repeal of such legislation ( in so far as it affected nationals of member states ) as the requirement of West German law that foreign companies wishing to pursue business activities in West Germany must obtain special authorisation from the West German authorities .
32 In so far as it distinguished between night and day , it was active at night .
33 But this was a ‘ bourgeois ’ phenomenon only in so far as it reflected the hegemony of bourgeois respectability .
34 Paschal 's grant of 1103 certainly extended the primacy to Anselm 's successors , but only so far as it had been ‘ enjoyed by Anselm 's predecessors ’ .
35 By now they were almost halfway down , the drop not so far as it had been , but it was still a long way and Maggie almost crept to the slight shelter of the rocky bank .
36 I find that an extraordinary statement of policy , because I had always believed that , in so far as it had any justification at all , the Labour party 's commitment to unilateralism , to the closure of bases , to the withdrawal from NATO , was based on a principle — on a deeply held conviction that those things were wrong .
37 He was jealous of Florian , she accepted , but she could take little comfort or encouragement from the knowledge , except in so far as it meant that he was n't ready to put an end to their affair quite yet .
38 Although the Labour Left may have considered this official conversion to Socialism somewhat belated , it was attracted to the Peace Alliance only in so far as it represented a continuation of previous Unity campaigns .
39 Things happened in this period that profoundly influenced sociological thinking in particular , and especially in so far as it related to crime and criminals ; they led to a comprehensive rejection of the most cherished principles of positivist criminology .
40 Simon Brown J. cited no authority for this dictum , so far as it related to the possibility of supervisory jurisdiction of the High Court over the visitors to the Inns of Court , but it was cited to us as an example of a suggested parallel with the supervisory jurisdiction which the High Court undoubtedly exercises in other contexts which in some respects may be thought to be comparable .
41 However , when one comes to the duty to provide and ordain suitable trained attorneys and lawyers to equip the courts , the judges ' performance of that duty , in so far as it related to the provision of trained advocates , was executed through the relationship they developed with the Inns of Court .
42 Such an interpretation is not inconsistent with Katib Celebi 's brief account , particularly if it is remembered that by his time the Seyhulislam had long since been the Mufti of Istanbul and that he may therefore have concerned himself with trying to sketch the history of the office only in so far as it related to that city .
43 First , it provided a most favourable environment for the development of capitalism — a stable , well-organized political system , with a rational and effectively administered body of law , especially in so far as it related to property and contracts .
44 Yet , in so far as it constituted his baptism as a politician , it is crucial to an understanding of his political career .
45 He executed a declaration of abdication of the throne for himself and his descendants and this declaration was duly rendered effective , so far as it went , by His Majesty 's Declaration of Abdication Act 1936 which amended the Act of Settlement accordingly .
46 As to this , counsel for the council accepted the correctness of the following statement ( so far as it went ) which I made in Powell v McFarlane ( at 471 – 2 ) : " … the animus possidendi involves the intention , in one 's own name and on one 's own behalf to exclude the world at large , including the owner with the paper title if he be not himself the possessor , so far as is reasonably practicable and so far as the processes of the law will allow . " …
47 Genuine republican feeling , in so far as it existed at all in the major States , was a nostalgia or very occasionally an aspiration , never a programme .
48 Nevertheless , in so far as it addressed the complex issue of home-school relationships in multi-ethnic contexts , it was an important initiative which deserves to be extended in some form .
49 In so far as it justified the oracle , the story of Herodotus was first broadcast from Delphi .
50 Of all the uniformed organizations , the Boys ' Life Brigade founded in Nottingham by the Revd John Brown Paton , was the most distinctive in so far as it appeared to be non-military , committed as it was to the principles of life-saving , even though it had a BB-style uniform and a military command structure .
51 While it is certain that it was always possible to approach Napoleon III via a courtier , the real intermediaries between the Emperor and the outside world , in so far as it necessitated his personal intervention , were those employed in what was called the Civil Cabinet .
52 Both reformers and opponents had expected a more striking change in the size of the electorate but in so far as it introduced a new class to political influence the Great Reform Act deserves to be considered a revolution no less and perhaps more — than do the events of 1830 in Paris .
53 In so far as it explained his personal ideology to the French people , it may be regarded as the first speech of de Gaulle the politician , as opposed to de Gaulle the symbol .
54 On the other hand , the very pursuit of ‘ respectability ’ , especially in so far as it involved claims to status recognition and participation in local institutions , was a source of social tension , a focal point in the growth of class identity .
55 The Revolution had impinged on their consciousness only in so far as it provided them with land , or took away foodstuffs during War Communism .
56 Despite the fact that the majority of students in adult education are women , the majority of volunteers , part-time workers , detached workers , and assistant workers in adult education are women , those with key jobs in the career structure — mostly men — made no recognition of this fact , except in so far as it influenced their assumptions about ‘ relevant ’ curricula and enabled them to plan programmes which depended upon an enormous amount of female exploitation .
57 This ‘ immediacy ’ of meaning in oral society he relates to the society 's functional needs , citing Malinowski 's claim that ‘ in the Trobriands the outer world was only named in so far as it yielded useful things ’ ( ibid . ) .
58 Awareness of Thatcher and Kinnock was spread much more evenly throughout the electorate , and in so far as it did vary it was particularly high amongst those who had recently watched television news or had recently discussed the campaign ( Table 7.7 ) .
59 By the end of the campaign that was no longer so true : awareness of Thatcher and Kinnock had spread much more evenly through the electorate and in so far as it did vary it was particularly high amongst those who had recently watched television news or discussed the campaign .
60 Secondly , in so far as it spoke to a general enlargement of the mind , the student experience was not confined to the acquisition of mere technique .
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