Example sentences of "so [adv] [that] she [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 She disliked the wretched man so intensely that she did n't care if she never had to see him again .
2 She wanted to see him so badly that she felt physically bereft .
3 She had badly wanted him to kiss her , of course — so badly that she knew it simply must not happen …
4 She winced , the force of his brutal remark piercing through her like a sharp knife , the suggestion of other women hurting so badly that she realised with a sick sensation that she was jealous .
5 She sat back , closing her eyes , incapable of coherent thought , and then , so slowly that she found herself holding her breath , a tiny spark kindled inside : they had talked through a tangle of mistakes , yet somewhere in it there was something else .
6 When he moved abruptly to cover her , to force a place for himself on top of her , levering her legs wider to open her body to him , his coarse , muscled weight was a blissful assuagement of hunger , a hunger burning through her so fiercely that she felt almost faint …
7 He stood at the bottom of the steps and looked up at her so fiercely that she stopped halfway down and felt quite uneasy , wondering exactly what she had done wrong .
8 I honestly thought she loved me so much that she 'd been prepared to get herself pregnant to trick me into marriage .
9 So much that she fell on the first excuse to put some distance between them .
10 ‘ I 'm trying to , ’ Carrie said , so impatiently that she sounded , he thought , more like a cross girl his own age than his mother .
11 He looked down at her , his face tightening and then , so suddenly that she had no time to read his intentions , he pulled her to him .
12 His hold about her tightened so suddenly that she winced and cried out .
13 He was on his feet so swiftly that she drew back automatically , worried about being here at night in her dressing-gown , and her action brought a black frown to his face .
14 When the Rector gravely offered Alexandra his arm to take her in to dinner , Robert 's face fell so utterly that she took his arm as well , and moved lopsidedly from the room between her ill-assorted escorts to the unspeakable anguish of the baby .
15 Suddenly there was a rush of water and he was there and she grabbed at him and then the world and white water spun as he entered her again , deeply , thoroughly , moving so desperately that she moaned against his mouth .
16 Piers turned around to face her , and for a split second his glance swept over her with appreciation , but the moment was gone so quickly that she thought she must have imagined it .
17 The time had passed so quickly that she had n't realised how late it was , or that the daylight had faded to dusk .
18 He left so quickly that she stared in astonishment at the door he had closed behind him .
19 Melissa was on her way in a flash , but not so quickly that she missed the knowing look on Iris 's face .
20 Her legs took the decision from her , buckling so quickly that she stumbled back to the bed .
21 She was pulled upwards with startling velocity , the sensation of flying through the air causing the world to tilt so precariously that she found herself clinging to fitzAlan like a drowning woman .
22 Her heart was pounding so rapidly that she felt sure he must hear it .
23 ‘ Because you ca n't face the truth that we are falling in love yet again ? ’ he suggested so calmly that she wanted to slap him hard for his change of mood .
24 Because , so gradually that she had n't noticed it , the blue had faded from her sight .
25 She had said she loved him , once , and it had chilled him , so clearly that she 'd never mentioned it again .
26 Sighing , she pulled on socks and sweater , then knotted the scarf at her throat and secured one of the ends to her sweater with the silver lioness brooch so automatically that she paused , eyeing herself in the mirror .
27 At about 7.45 ( ship time ) , they heard a major explosion and a few minutes later a searing hot blast of gas roared over St Pierre and the ships lying off shore , capsizing the steam ship Grappler , and rolling the Roraima so severely that she lost all her masts and smokestacks .
28 Phoebe loathed housekeeping so profoundly that she felt guilty about it and always did it with a disciplined and joyless rigour , expecting everyone else to do so too .
29 He was staring at her so intently that she wanted to cry out .
30 He was looking at her so intently that she closed her eyes again .
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