Example sentences of "so [adv] [subord] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 They quite simply can not explain WHY they believe WHAT they believe , and so rather than admit their ignorance about their own faith , they just shut up .
2 He had then gone to Hollywood in the early fifties and stayed there long enough to show that he could cope with the system and be moderately successful , but not so long as to alienate his chauvinistic British following .
3 The fuse would destroy itself , the gunpowder explode , poor Cosmas 's legs would be shattered , and even if he wanted to , the fire spread so quickly as to prevent his escape .
4 In their efforts to impress the United States , the Romanians went so far as to compare their position vis-à-vis the Kremlin with Cuba 's in relation to Washington .
5 He even goes so far as to fabricate his signature in a way similar to Pound 's , so that it forms a kind of hieroglyph .
6 Some even go so far as to link its emergence to the coming of reggae music to Britain , circa 1970 , and the first reggae film widely seen in Britain , Perry Henzell 's ( 1972 ) The Harder They Come starring Jimmy Cliff .
7 They said they would send it , they got so far as taking her address , but she changed her mind , she wanted to wear it that night .
8 One went so far as to describe her life as ‘ tragic ’ .
9 She even goes so far as to say her grandmother does the warm-up exercises , using tins of soup instead of weights , though her husband Richard Gere sticks to Tai Chi and riding his bike .
10 ‘ Produce your bit of paper , ’ he rapped out , ‘ and , although I wo n't go so far as to give your eventual marriage my blessing , at least I 'll let it run its natural course .
11 And if a new kind of replicator takeover is beginning , it is conceivable that it will take off so far as to leave its parent DNA ( and its grandparent clay if Cairns-Smith is right ) far behind .
12 Farr-Jones went so far as to telephone his wife Angela in Sydney saying she should expect him home within days .
13 In Mr Coleman 's early career , and even until within a very few years , the veterinary art , so far as regards its application to cattle , sheep , swine , dogs , etc. , was in the lowest state of barbarism and degradation .
14 So far as overcoming your own tendencies to resist change , it is best to have some limbering up exercises that you inflict on yourself from time to time .
15 However , even by the middle years of the nineteenth century an industrial city like Manchester had not expanded so far as to prevent its mill workers walking in the country on Sundays .
16 ( b ) On the other hand the courts will not carry a literal construction of the articles so far as to defeat their obvious purpose .
17 Toby went so far as to straighten his back .
18 For another , Gombrich was unfailingly courteous and informative , without , however , going so far as to make his interviewer sound good .
19 She could describe weather conditions so realistically as to make her audience shiver or sweat , and children would find themselves taking off and putting on a garment in mid-tale .
20 He had my lord 's entire confidence — indeed it is hard to credit that anyone could change so radically as has my uncle . ’
21 right , now there is a precise and an exact way of working your way through it , right so maybe while use my words right , they might not be the same as yours but they will be roughly what you said a minute ago , right , what was your words , some of it ?
22 The day had been hot ; in fact , the previous week had been very hot and so the roads and streets were paved with ridged flags of mud , hardbaked , but not so hard as to prevent their surfaces being skimmed off into dust which , in some streets of the town , seemed to be floating waist high like a mist rising from water .
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