Example sentences of "so [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What has pleased me is the way in which the living material of Rural Studies is so avidly used in Art nowadays , not just in primary schools , but in secondary schools , too .
2 After being so intimately associated with Christ and hearing his parables of the Kingdom and private commentary interpreting those stories , his disciples still expected the Kingdom to come in the material and nationalistic terms of the Old Testament ( Acts 1:6 ) .
3 I believe the lemon accentuated the tart , refreshing character of the beer , and I am sorry that it is so rarely seen in Germany today .
4 We should not glamorize the overcrowded , insanitary rural cottages — scarcely adequate as holiday homes for a two-child family now — in which parents tried to raise five children , which were so strikingly condemned in Chadwick 's 1842 Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Classes ( Flinn 1965 ) .
5 We know that niello is a metal sulphide , made by heating metal filings with sulphur , but could there be a continuity of tradition amongst the metalworkers of cultures so widely separated by time and geography ?
6 It is important to realise the fact of ‘ dormitory ’ villages now so widely spread over England ; from any of the Essex towns one can see , as soon as works close down , a long string of bicycles returning to the villages outside …
7 These problems suddenly appeared quite separately from those dietary concerns about fats , fibre , sugar and salt which arose from the COMA report in 1984 , and which have been so widely used in food manufacturers ' advertising claims .
8 It is in this context of how far US reforms affected the substance of attitudes towards liberal democracy , that we uncover the origins of the positive view of Japan 's unique culture so widely publicized by writers like Nakane and Vogel .
9 The Contagious Diseases Act which had been so bitterly opposed by feminists like Butler , had extended well beyond sanitary supervision of common prostitutes .
10 But seriously , why do you suppose there has been so little said about Sunday trading in the book trade ? could it be because we have failed to make a ‘ cold , calculating examination of the long term balance of financial advantage ’ ?
11 Strange , is n't it , or perhaps not so strange , that the word is so much used by theoreticians and so little used by artists themselves ?
12 Few senior ministers are so little known outside Westminster and the City .
13 The parallel approaches of petrology ( or thin-section petrography ) and chemical analysis , which have been so successfully applied to ceramics .
14 Ultimately , much of the debate comes down to the question of choice , the word that the Tories have so successfully colonised in rhetoric and so often failed to deliver in reality .
15 But it is gon na be a lengthy er injury and that is a major blow so successfully converted from centre half to striker .
16 The necessary contact could partly be maintained by means of meetings and round-table discussions of the kind so successfully organised at Uig for the Arkleton Trust , but it would be desirable to give it some more concrete , institutional form as well .
17 Were he not so useful and entertaining on his main subject , Boswell might easily call all his facts into question by such a blatant lie , so blatantly told to curry Establishment favour in London .
18 Settlement had also occurred elsewhere , and the Foreign and Colonial Offices were so badly weakened by alterations and were so inconvenient that an entirely new building would be the only way to provide suitable accommodation .
19 Even had it been the best apple tree anyone could knit I can not see that I would hang swing tickets on it ( so badly coloured with felt tip pen that the Infant 's class would be ashamed of the work ! ) .
20 The controversy received a new lease of life in March 1983 when the Irish Farmers Monthly published a confidential , internal IBM report and claimed that up to 2,000 acres of agricultural land near the mine were so badly contaminated with lead , zinc and arsenic that they were unsuitable for agriculture .
21 It was time to jettison a faith so badly shaken by events , and be a convert to outdated gradualism after all .
22 From the previous year he had been so badly affected by osteoarthritis that his mobility had become very restricted .
23 The A.A. defences continued to take toll of attackers , 9/St.G 1 having a Ju87B so badly damaged over Valetta that the crew were forced to bale out on return to Sicily , while a second aircraft from this Staffel failed to return , Uffz .
24 And now she was frightened of him — Dr Neil , who was so kind and good , and had already been so badly damaged by life
25 But surely there has never been a case of any Hollywood actor admitting himself for therapy because he was so badly addicted to women .
26 Ally Donaldson , to his credit , gave the impression of being grimly determined to answer those who say he does n't tackle but he was not the naturally punitive defender who was so badly needed in view of the back row 's shortcomings .
27 Moreover , such comment is liable to prove all the more harmful after a Calcutta Cup in which — for all the criticism that the scrum-half should have fed his backs more — Morris so tellingly demonstrated with Stuart Barnes the value under the current laws of having two half-backs , each of whom poses a very real threat in his own right .
28 Essentially , we are talking about the cold war period , so brilliantly analysed by Mary Kaldor under the rubric of ‘ imaginary war ’ , and as far as Europe and relations between the Soviet Union and the United States are concerned , I have little to add .
29 I no longer saw them , indeed , as legless beings on self moving pedestals as I had done at Salisbury but from being so constantly restricted in movement it seemed that they must be incapable of movement .
30 Growth by suckering is merely an extension of its own life ; it achieves reproduction by producing seeds which are encased in the edible fruit so fondly admired by birds .
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