Example sentences of "so [adv] [conj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Labour Party , or its thinking wing , is polishing its credentials so remarkably that Mr Smith 's team will look quite different when they get to meet us all again in the polling booth .
2 Not only men , but women and children too knitted stockings , socks , shirts , gloves , cravats and other fabrics on a frame in their cottage and continued to do so long after steam power had been applied to their craft during the middle years of the nineteenth century .
3 But they have been sneering at America since Sidney Smith , François Mauriac and George Grosz and will go on doing so long after Harold Pinter is gone .
4 She 'd never liked them much ; in fact she had only kept them up so long because Mary Connon long ago , almost on her first visit to the house , had been openly patronizing about them .
5 They will grow good cereal crops so long as soil structure is maintained by the return of sufficient organic matter .
6 Western agencies are very envious of Mossad because it relies not on huge arrays of computerised technology but on a small group of efficient and dedicated men and women who are not bothered by any form of morality so long as Israel benefits .
7 So long as land prices and interest rates remain astronomically high , few will be in a position to buy a holding , however small , with any prospect of their capital paying them a living through genuine farming ( as opposed to exploitation or ‘ mining ’ ) .
8 Provided always that nothing in these restrictions shall preclude Norwich Union from processing any proposal or application form made and dated prior to 31 October 1990 submitted through the Winchester Group or any of its company representatives and entering into any investment contract on the basis of any such a proposal or application form so long as Norwich Union has first satisfied itself that : — ( a ) any such proposal or application form is genuinely made and dated prior to 31 October 1990 ; ( b ) any such proposal or application form is accompanied by a fact find form ; and ( c ) that the fact find form has been fully completed ; and ( d ) that the information shown thereon is sufficient to show that the proposed investment contract which is the subject of the proposal or application form is in the best interests of the investor concerned .
9 So long as selection policies did not come under scrutiny this was acceptable .
10 A statement warned : ‘ So long as the SDLP continue to exercise a veto on political progress in Ulster , courtesy of IRA violence , and so long as Sinn Fein/IRA continue to act as the military wing of Irish nationalism , then so long will our war against them continue and intensify . ’
11 So long as HMI monitor and control the standards of the inspections , the changes proposed will bring many positive benefits .
12 So long as frontier zones of the empire remained insecure , the tsar had to eschew an ambitious foreign policy .
13 Tensions over the degree to which hopes for peace could be invested in the processes of inter-state relations were already familiar to pre-1914 pacifists , and they will continue to exercise peace activists so long as nation states exist .
14 From the above we can see that so long as investment goods , particularly fixed assets , are being produced on an increased scale the effect on business conditions is favourable .
15 There is no need for taxes , subsidies and public provision ; and so long as property rights already exist , there is no need for energetic policies aimed at shifting them around .
16 At the level of loans , there seems little real obstacle to rapid progress , so long as multimedia publishers do not prohibit loans through their conditions of sale .
17 Informed sources say neither the more realistically-minded East German leaders nor the Russians believe that any sensible changes can be brought about so long as Mr Honecker , 77 , whose attitudes have become particularly rigid in recent months , is at the helm .
18 So long as East Germany kept its Czech border open , any evacuation of would-be emigrants from the embassy was only a temporary solution , signalling to still more East Germans that a conduit to the West existed .
19 These timings will hold so long as wait times exceed processing times , which is often true .
20 This theory sees the unemployed person as continuing the job search ( that is , remaining unemployed ) so long as wage offers are less than a certain ‘ reservation wage ’ .
21 This may be the inescapable question for the foreseeable future so long as NATO procurement policy is predicated on highly trained work forces , scarce materials and sophisticated machine tools .
22 SO LONG as Saddam Hussein is still around , George Bush repeated this week , Iraq can expect no mercy on trade sanctions .
23 She will do so only if Mr Major resigns .
24 But now it seemed terrible that they should be able to talk so naturally while Dr. Lorrimer lay there dead upstairs .
25 The theme and each variation are extremely brief , only eleven bars , and each finishes so quickly and changes mood so rapidly that at a first hearing one can not possibly grasp the course of events .
26 They have not won away for 24 games since they clinched the 1992 title , and there was never any prospect of them doing so yesterday once Ian Rush had struck after 24 minutes .
27 Correction followed a day or so later when Telegraph readers were told that the upturned finger had been employed in early-day meetings when congregations sang : The way to Heaven is straight and plain ; Will you go ?
28 I beat the school 's fastest runner in the 100 metres sprint , breaking the finishing tape just before the other runners manage to leave their starting blocks ; I smash the school long jump record by 15 metres ( give or take a metre ) and I hurl the discus so far that Miss Harrison , the teacher in charge of the event , has to get her battered Mini from the car park to retrieve the discus for the next competitor ( who manages a measly 25cm ) .
29 This is the clearest evidence so far that Mr Gorbachev is willing to change his government 's plans in order to share authority with the federation council — the first step towards wider talks .
30 So far as Government Bills are concerned , it is no exaggeration to say that the substantial task of legislating will have been largely discharged before the Bill is even read a first time in the House in which it is introduced ( Bills may normally be introduced in either House , thence proceeding to the other ) .
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