Example sentences of "so [adj] [conj] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Nigel is so laid-back and a real joker but he works like hell and gets the horses very fit .
2 The ride followed by Marian and Allen , although not so broad as the main Highway , was lighter because the trees that flanked it , being for the most part giant oaks , had quelled the subordinate vegetation and left airy vistas between their trunks .
3 There appears to be little evidence that as a society we have become so rich that a substantial number of people are at this point .
4 The increased order is so strong that no neuro-electric message can fight it — a special EM field has to be applied .
5 Eventually , when the star has shrunk to a certain critical radius , the gravitational field at the surface becomes so strong that the light cones are bent inward so much that light can no longer escape ( Fig. 6.1 ) .
6 There are a number of modelling programs suitable for use on microcomputers at a price which is so low that a complete system often costs less than the terminals used merely to communicate with larger computers .
7 Already losses in fibre are so low that a light signal can travel well over 16 km before it halves in intensity ( a 3 dB loss ) .
8 Life expectancy is so low that the average life span of men just before we got here ( in the last quarter of the seventeenth century ) was 29.6 years .
9 The lintel is so low that the only man who can enter is the man who is down on his knees .
10 However , on rare occasions — perhaps twice before in recorded history — a change occurs so profound and so far-reaching that the entire orientation of society is altered completely in a relatively short period .
11 One must stand in awe of the scientist so Promethean that a single obscenity is all that is needed to clarify and educate .
12 The sequence was then interrupted by a flood that was so devastating that a new start had to be made and again kingship had to be ‘ lowered from heaven ’ .
13 The shortage of housing is so acute that the vast Cairene cemeteries , known as the City of the Dead , host a population of squatters thought to number over a million .
14 There was also the practical reason to provide convincing reasons why so many men were possessed of so little or no assessable ‘ substance ’ , and in the subsidy to justify the assessments of wages which only became effective in the absence of taxable goods , and , moreover , masters were responsible for the payment of their servants ' taxes .
15 Ramsey said that the name of Billy Graham was linked with fundamentalism ; and that fundamentalism was the error of regarding the Bible as so divine that the human element disappeared .
16 But that still leaves unanswered the more basic issue as to whether the whole Marxist enterprise was so wrong-headed that the economic and human failures were not , in some sense , built into the ideology .
17 For the political adventurers and profiteering fat- cats these were palmy days — indeed corruption and political fraud were so rife that the Trinidadian ‘ bobol'or fraud became a byword in the political life of the Caribbean .
18 Old galvanised iron rising main and cold feed pipes can usually be removed with Stillsons ; a metal overflow pipe may be so rusted that the only answer is to cut it off .
19 There were very few lone parents on the books at that time : so few that no separate statistics were kept of their numbers .
20 Run-up is conducted at 1800 rpm , but the instruments and controls are so few that the pre-take-off checks are minimal .
21 Waterers Landscaping became involved in the project in September and proved so popular that the original £150,000 contract grew and grew .
22 PASSIONS run high when the subject of animal rights is raised ; so high that the warring factions can be at odds even over ownership of key metaphors in the argument .
23 The paradox about all this information explosion or whatever it is called is that the speed of its distribution is so high and the actual receiving of it by a human being is so necessarily slow and far more inefficient than it is achieved by other methods , such as reading printed marks on paper .
24 Hart exhorts us that ‘ we should not cherish even as an ideal a rule so detailed that no new choices arise at the point of application ’ .6 Unger remarks that ‘ language is no longer credited with the fixidity of categories and the transparent representation of the world that would make formalism plausible in legal reasoning or in ideas about justice ’ .
25 In the twenty-first dynasty the situation in Egypt had become so unstable that the Theban priests became seriously concerned about their royal charges .
26 Such conditions could occur in a very big hydrogen bomb : the physicist John Wheeler once calculated that if one took all the heavy water in all the oceans of the world , one could build a hydrogen bomb that would compress matter at the center so much that a black hole would be created .
27 The present danger is perhaps not so much that an honest trustee may be unfairly penalized as that a dishonest trustee may with impunity inflict loss on the beneficiaries .
28 It is n't so much that the ultimate disappearance of the USM itself is particularly jeopardising the potential market for smaller companies .
29 Indeed , it is not so much that the invading spirit is definitively exorcized from its human host , as that the host learns to live with her familiar who may make his presence felt whenever his mistress is in difficulties .
30 He had come to the banqueting hall in order to have a look at the river from the roof ; the river had risen and widened so much that the entire countryside seemed to be sliding past and one felt as if one were standing on the deck of a ship .
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