Example sentences of "so [adj] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 There 's so much going for the self-contained freestanding format that we 've put our best designers to work on our range .
2 I have found much more concern with status in industry than I expected — it 's just not so easy to identify for a newcomer .
3 The way spurs are playing Ill be disappointed to let a goal in , and not score at least 2 … so Ill go for a 3–1 … nah , only kidding , 0–2
4 Well , well er well it is , because I mean so many go for the sa da damn same job do n't they ?
5 Why these particular prints stand out in my opinion from so many produced for the tourists of the time , is because the artist has not just reproduced his drawings on to plates but he has been able to produce marks that are alive and work within the context of the print .
6 She had nothing else quite so effective to wear for the other two acts , but this , for her first entrance , for establishing herself as Countess Maritza , did absolutely everything .
7 So all set for a break tomorrow ?
8 ‘ I was so keen to work for the Labour Party , ’ he says .
9 Colin , a born darts player , was so keen to play for the ‘ Whads ’ that he paid his own signing-on fee ( £56 ) , and has also agreed to wash the team strip every week .
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