Example sentences of "as if [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 and walked around as if we owned the place .
2 They 're not building that runway at Potosi so that we Bolivians can travel , as if we had the money !
3 In that trance-like state we drift apart , still staring , but when I turn aside it 's as if we snapped a silken cord .
4 As we enter more and more into the transcendent , the material world recedes and it is as if we mount the carriage of the transcendent and speed through a blurred landscape of the mundane , seeing it only as scenery , not as something threatening or important to us .
5 ‘ It looks as if we have a few customers waiting out there , ’ she managed lightly .
6 It is not as if we NEED the money , just another case of the directors lining their pockets .
7 They were just wandering about as if they owned the place . ’
8 Michael and Geoffrey walked into the spacious hallway as if they owned the house .
9 The assassins had walked in here as if they owned the place and destroyed everything .
10 The boatman cursed , telling them to sit down and keep still , and then , puffing and sweating , he pulled his craft out midstream through the flocks of swans who arched their wings in protest as if they owned the river .
11 as if they 'd no business with the grace
12 When men live in the transcendent they become lost to the world ; it is as if they speak an unknown language and are no longer understood by other men .
13 Beyond the crowd , almost out of the Market Square altogether , two male riders waited as if they mistrusted the milling crowd .
14 The two Highlanders grinned as if they understood every word , Carey smirked whilst Scawsby gave that neighing laugh which made the blood beat in my temples .
15 And she was so toffee-nosed as if they said the curtains .
16 While many tests may have high face validity — that is , they may look as if they measure a particular linguistic ability — this is not a sufficient justification for using test data as a basis for clinical or educational decision-making .
17 I have subsequently discovered in them something which is not easy to admit even to myself : it is as if they anticipated the present .
18 What it would mean is that we would consider it immoral to treat animals as if they had no intrinsic value , as if they were of instrumental value only , merely means to human ends .
19 It can not be right to treat unmarried women who have the support of a partner both as if they had no such support and better than if they were married .
20 ( As we shall see when we come to consider speech acts in Chapter 5- these kinds of inferences are often talked about as felicity conditions as if they had no connection to implicature at all . )
21 It might be thought reasonable to treat all cases of NSU so diagnosed when they initially present to the clinic as if they had a sexually transmitted disease and prescribe appropriate antibiotics , and , indeed , this is common practice in most clinics .
22 In the second panel the same people , considerably sobered and looking as if they had a serious hangover , were being led away by the classic medieval figure of Death , a grisly skeleton in a black robe and cowl , who rather reminded Preston of an old schoolmaster he had known called Mr Pilkington .
23 ‘ Do n't look so wistful — there will be another time for Bamburgh , ’ he said quietly , and she wondered why he was talking as if they had a future together .
24 What they need is centralized control as if they had a single mainframe .
25 They were silent as she walked through the door to the dining room , as if they had a secret .
26 He was acting as if they had a settled relationship , but they had n't .
27 And you do n't fall asleep , as you are inclined to do if you try to be an absorbent sponge , soaking in what the authors say as if they had the last word .
28 They 'd just been told the George Hotel was n't important enough to be listed , but the protestors vowed to physically stop the demolition team if necessary and it looked as if they had the backing of the Planning Authority .
29 In order to make some headway in describing and analysing language , we have had temporarily to treat linguistic units and structures as if they had an independent status and possessed ‘ meaning ’ in their own right .
30 Oliver liked things to be finished and shiny and to look as if they cost a lot .
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