Example sentences of "as a [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Socialists need to redefine themselves as a definitively ex-Marxist party that is nevertheless keener on social fairness ( and better at keeping Greece green and clean ) than its conservative rival .
2 Arbiter theorists have a comparatively complex outlook on law , which is regarded as a partly autonomous sphere of social action , not controllable by capitalists .
3 South Asian calicoes in both silk and , later on , cotton became an increasingly desirable commodity in Britain , first as a luxury item but subsequen-tly as a widely used material .
4 He did n't really strike her as a particularly nosy person , just wanting to know things for the hell of it .
5 As a particularly honoured guest , Eliot sat at High Table , whereas others like myself were placed among the students or ‘ novices ’ , and I preferred it that way .
6 This data is apposite because , like women , children are often treated as a particularly vulnerable audience , at risk from the material they consume : whilst , like the romance , television is often seen as a particularly potent source of ideological contamination .
7 Defining relevant environments of a variable has been noted as a particularly serious obstacle to a satisfying analysis of syntactic variation by Lavandera ( 1978b ) , by G. Sankoff and Thibault ( 1980 ) and by Weiner and Labov ( 1983 ) .
8 This data is apposite because , like women , children are often treated as a particularly vulnerable audience , at risk from the material they consume : whilst , like the romance , television is often seen as a particularly potent source of ideological contamination .
9 Within an eastern culture , table-fellowship and the sharing of a meal is regarded as a particularly intimate form of association , The fact that Jesus was prepared to act in such a fashion , and to be seen doing it , communicated as powerfully as any pronouncement , both to his friends at the table and his enemies at the window ( Matt.
10 The surge in commercial vehicle production was regarded as a particularly encouraging pointer to an improvement in the economy .
11 A newly emerging Women 's Studies movement in major universities saw this discrimination as a particularly negative effect of reform .
12 And this need not be seen as a particularly innovative piece of verbal transvestism on the part of the Shipman .
13 A concrete comment on some special element of the text ( such as a particularly striking metaphor ) could lead to a more abstract general discussion of its significance beyond the text ( what makes any metaphor striking ? ) .
14 When the unoccupied group — now largely identified as a particularly disadvantaged subgroup of one parent families — is added to social classes IV and V and the relative risk of the combined group is compared with that of classes I and II , a completely different picture emerges .
15 GUIL : Which even at first glance does not strike one as a particularly rewarding speculation , in either sense , even without the monkeys .
16 The US schools market was more competitive , he added , citing Harcourt Brace as a particularly energetic contender in the field ; but marketing costs were down , so that operating margins were kept high — at 14% in dollar terms .
17 A victory for her would be regarded as a particularly bitter blow for Mr Chirac , who has been campaigning in support of her rival .
18 As the history of Shakespeare criticism has shown , Lady Anne has all too often been seen either as a particularly silly person or as representing the weak and malleable sex .
19 We are probably wrong , however , to see this as happening on a large scale or as a particularly significant development in many areas .
20 Before leaving for Bruges , he invites the monk , John : where " " pleye " " is clearly intended by the merchant in what the modern reader can identify as a particularly childish sense — " to play , have fun " — but which in Middle English , not unlike Modern English , also carries an additional sense of sexual play , and can also , appropriately , be used in the sense of playing tricks ( a semantic range similar to that of Old French dobler : cf.
21 The explanation for such divergent viewpoints may lie not in Osred 's reign as a particularly inauspicious period so much as in the dynastic rivalries of this time , accompanied by a failure to sustain Aldfrith 's silver coinage under Osred or his immediate successors .
22 En primeur buying has been touted as a particularly attractive kind of speculative flutter , with the guarantee that the investment can never lose its liquidity .
23 The French stood in sharp contrast to all this ; their main energies were directed at expansion in Europe , with the Netherlands marked down as a particularly attractive target , but they were so rich , so dynamic , and so confident in the second half of the seventeenth century that they were quite willing — as asserted in the motto of their great king , Louis XIV , nec pluribus impar — to fight several enemies at once .
24 The immense graveyard in Queens , New York , was famed as a particularly depressing city of the dead .
25 She made several ‘ women 's ’ films for Rank , including STREET CORNER ( 1953 ) about the women police in Chelsea , which she always cited as a particularly enjoyable experience since it involved working with a mainly female crew and cast .
26 Fauconnier ( 1981 ) discusses ‘ mental spaces ’ as the basic representation of all language and cites ASL as a particularly clear example of this .
27 She beamed at her husband , bravely facing the barrage of produce , and winced as a particularly juicy specimen caught him right on the chin .
28 Indeed , the Criminal Law Revision Committee consistently treats buggery as a particularly grave form of abuse .
29 Once or twice he winced as a particularly tough fragment of carbon cracked between his molars , then he closed his eyes and swallowed .
30 He did not see size of firm as a particularly important factor in his choice .
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