Example sentences of "as the [noun sg] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Hammonds had placed Luddism as the resort to violence by traditional workers who had failed in the face of a growing laissez-faire
2 These developments may have been in keeping with the new vision of Empire , but they did nothing to keep alive the Christian symbolism of death as the gateway to life .
3 The aims of these two movements , in so far as they touched on the rites of death , were sharply dissimilar : the Evangelicals aimed further to sanctify death as the gateway to immortality ; the Benthamites wished to demystify death in order to concentrate on the material means of increasing human happiness on earth .
4 To the chagrin of rationalists such as John Stuart Mill , the family , not the individual , was regarded as the basic unit of society and increasingly a substitute for lost faith , so that even positivists like Frederic Harrison , who rejected supernatural religions , supported an almost Catholic orthodoxy of marriage as the gateway to family responsibility .
5 In such cases it may need to be supported at the level of verbal consciousness , and , like grieving as the gateway to reattachment , should not be prematurely foreclosed .
6 Socialists differed among themselves over how far their party 's commitment to the Republic should go , some looking merely to strengthen ‘ bourgeois democracy ’ while others regarded the Republic as the anteroom to socialism .
7 Although difficult , an early diagnosis of primary oesophageal lymphoma seems to be vital as the response to treatment is often good .
8 It may help your understanding if you look upon CALL as the machine code equivalent to a PROCedure and USR as the equivalent to Function .
9 The council 's Labour leadership , who have been in control since 1986 , have argued that they had no control over the transactions as the day to day running of the finance department is in the hands of expert financial staff .
10 Are they saying that housewives are less able to understand and resist the dangers than other workers , or that all oppressed workers should renounce pay as the way to liberation ?
11 I think this emphasis on intelligibility as the clue to reality is very much to the point .
12 Nowhere was the stolid exceptionalism of the British more evident than in the rejection of constitutional reform and in the way in which Conservatives sought to portray this reform as the road to chaos — as if the US , Australia , Germany , Spain and other developed democracies had not prospered with more representative systems .
13 Within the next few months the silence in the Left media was further broken by articles criticizing councils such as Haringey for ‘ moralism ’ , suggesting that anti-heterosexist policies were undermining Labour 's traditional family-based support , and advocating psychoanalytic theory as the road to lesbian and gay liberation .
14 What is important , for our immediate purposes , about this view is its stress on publicly verifiable , observable sensory data , systematically collected and collated , as the route to knowledge .
15 TEN YEARS after its foundation the Tangmere Military Aviation Museum ( TMAM ) was ‘ crowned ’ in the manner now accepted as the route to maturity and to becoming a regional , and perhaps national , force .
16 Indeed , for this reason one can usefully add Mozart 's Don Giovanni and Bizet 's Carmen to the above list : the use ( in land-locked , mountainous Salzburg ) of a nocturnal seascape as the backdrop to Act III of Carmen was one of Karajan 's strangest and yet most haunting intimations of eternity .
17 What is suggested as the alternative to faith ?
18 Taylor was an engineer by training and his approach to understanding organisations reflected both his scientific background and the belief in science as the solution to society 's problems that was so characteristic of the late nineteenth century .
19 Alpheus Hyatt used an analogy with the life-cycle of the individual organism to suggest that each group eventually underwent degenerative evolution into a senile phase as the prelude to extinction .
20 His thought is best conveyed through some of his published sermons , although his most important work , containing the idea of probability as the guide to life , is The Analogy of Religion .
21 ( 4 ) Political resources , such as the access to decision making bestowed on politicians by their election into office .
22 In the enthusiasm of the renewed emphasis on the Spirit these days he is some times presented as the pathway to power in the Christian life , the secret of success in personal living and in service .
23 It was the kind of secondary schooling that the Local Education Authorities wanted for their new secondary schools created or adopted after the Act of 1902 , and by 1944 the image of the grammar school as the path to success was finally embedded in popular imagination , and in the practical politics of the Labour party .
24 Rise Kagona , founder of the group , said the birth of Zimbabwe acted as the floodgate to inspiration for the band .
25 The time value components of the option premiums quoted get larger as the time to expiry lengthens .
26 This decline in mispricings as delivery approaches is consistent with a fall in dividend and interest rate risk as the time to delivery decreases .
27 The earliest studies were carried out in Kenya , which led policy-makers to suggest self-employment as the answer to lack of formal sector employment ( King 1979 ) .
28 A Rover spokesman said , ’ It is the German manufacturers which are forcing everyone else to follow suit just as the Germans forced catalytic convertors on the market as the answer to emission problems when most other manufacturers were developing lean burn engine technology to achieve the same result more effectively . ’
29 Lastly , with no change in interest rates , the market price of a bill will approach its redemption price as the period to redemption shortens .
30 The nineteenth-century approach to Nature study was influenced by the middle classes ' growing commitment to hard work as the key to achievement .
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