Example sentences of "as [noun sg] of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Should the state merely have a ‘ regulatory ’ function in such matters as the allocation of frequencies for broadcasting , or should it have a more active role as guarantor of the mass media and their ‘ public service ’ ?
2 Is the Minister aware that , before I came to this place , I served for many years on a local authority as chairman of the environmental health committee , which had a wonderful section for meat inspection ?
3 These included the transfer of the Metal Industry portfolio to Deputy Premier Cho Yong Nim ; the appointment of Deputy Premier Kim Tal Hyon as Chairman of the State Planning Commission ; and the appointment of Yi Song Tae as Kim Tal Hyon 's successor as Chairman of the External Trade Commission .
4 Hisashi Shinto , 80 , one of Japan 's most senior industrialists , was on Oct. 9 given a suspended prison sentence of two years for having accepted bribes in the Recruit shares-for-influence scandal whilst serving as chairman of the privatized Nippon Telephone and Telegraph ( NTT ) .
5 After the merger between Cadbury and Schweppes he succeeded Lord Watkinson as Chairman of the combined company at the end of 1974 .
6 Polozkov 's fraction opposed Yeltsin 's election as chairman of the Russian Supreme Soviet .
7 Admiral Crowe was replaced as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on Sunday by General Colin Powell .
8 The speculation that Quayle might be dropped in 1992 in favour of Gen. Colin Powell was further dampened when on May 23 Bush nominated Powell for a second two-year term as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff .
9 Luis Alberto Rodríguez Rodríguez replaced Gen. Farouk Yanine Díaz as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff .
10 On June 23 Air Marshal Anant Kalinta had been replaced by a civil servant as chairman of the state-owned Communications Authority of Thailand .
11 On July 21 the Cabinet named a civilian government official to replace Gen. Issarapong as chairman of the state-owned telephone company .
12 Since 1979 Brian has managed to combine all his other duties with that of being a Cheshire magistrate and he also serves as chairman of the Cestrian Trust for kidney dialysis .
13 By 1701 he was serving as chairman of the influential elections committee , and was even talked of as a possible Speaker .
14 The Berlin Blockade of June heralded the stationing of the first three US bomber groups in the United Kingdom in July ; and was followed by Montgomery 's appointment as Chairman of the Western European Chiefs of Staff committee in November , and the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty the following April , coincidently with the passage of the US Mutual Defence Aid Programme through Congress .
15 He ended his life as chairman of the ineffectual Chinese People 's Political Consultative Conference .
16 Former Civic Forum chairman and federal Finance Minister Vaclav Klaus was elected overwhelmingly as chairman of the new party .
17 Elected FRS in 1846 , he led an active public life into his eighth decade , and for many years served as chairman of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company .
18 ‘ I am not scared of walking down Bondgate with my checked trousers and apron on , ’ says the owner of the Smythe confectionery chain , now part-way through a two-year stint as chairman of the British Confectioners ' Association .
19 MacGregor has a new interest in coal as he is due to take over shortly as chairman of the National Coal Board .
20 A few days later , when Churchill invited Attlee to accompany him to the Potsdam conference — which was due to meet before the election result would be known — Harold Laski , as chairman of the National Executive , warned Attlee publicly that he should go ‘ in the role of observer only ’ , because Labour would expect to have a distinctive foreign policy thereafter .
21 In June 1989 Yi Chol Pong was appointed to the new Ministry of Urban Management and Pyong Yong Nip was replaced by Choe Ki Chong as Chairman of the Educational Commission .
22 Col. Elias Tutsoane Ramaema was reported by Radio Lesotho on May 2 to have been sworn in as Chairman of the ruling Military Council , following the overthrow of Maj.-Gen.
23 He was to replace Yildirim Akbulut , whom he had ousted as chairman of the ruling Motherland Party ( ANAP ) two days earlier .
24 The Japanese Diet voted on Nov. 5 to approve the appointment of Kiichi Miyazawa as Prime Minister , following his election on Oct. 27 as chairman of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party .
25 Justin Lekhanya , who seized power in 1986 from the then Prime Minister Chief Leabua Jonathan , was himself led into the studio of Radio Lesotho by troops on April 30 and made to broadcast his own resignation as Chairman of the six-member ruling Military Council .
26 Jerry Rawlings , retired from the armed forces on Sept. 14 , although he remained commander-in-chief of the military through his position as Chairman of the Provisional National Defence Council ( PNDC ) and as head of state .
27 Ron lived to see the latter ambition fulfilled from the foundations he laid as Chairman of the racing section of the British Canoe Union and Olympic Team Manager .
28 On Nov. 14 the Ukrainian Supreme Soviet voted overwhelmingly to confirm Vitold Fokin as Chairman of the Ukrainian Council of Ministers .
29 It was the hon. Gentleman 's casting vote as Chairman of the Select Committee on Employment which last week prevented that Committee from looking into the truth of these matters .
30 He has represented Wales on the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons for England and Wales , and as chairman of the Welsh Board of the Royal College of Surgeons .
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