Example sentences of "can only [verb] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This can only lead to children growing up without knowing the difference between right and wrong — and ending up in court themselves .
2 Properly used , it seems to me that quantitative methods can only lead to advances in our subject .
3 If it is true that meaning reduces to use , then surely all mention of " identity " is inappropriate and can only lead to confusion .
4 The DTI consider that although the title of the Directive applies to all contracts involving consumers , the recitals and indeed parts of the text , imply that it can only apply to contracts for the supply of goods and services .
5 The United Kingdom therefore can not argue on the basis of the fact that article 7 can only apply to discrimination between ships if they are of different ‘ nationalities ’ in order to justify differences in treatment between natural or legal persons of different nationalities .
6 But I am content to rest my conclusion in rejecting it on the simple ground , which closely reflects the reasoning I have already deployed in rejecting the board 's construction of section 18 , that the words in subsection ( 2 ) ‘ an order for payment … to the unassisted party … of the costs incurred by him in the proceedings ’ can only apply to costs incurred by the unassisted party in his capacity as such .
7 Now , the , there , it appears that there 's a whole variety of phenomena er which suggests that sentence divides up in this way and that can be explained on hypothesis we just call such a division a constituent , and then we stipulate that , as certain operations can only apply to constituents .
8 Paul Himmelstein , the AIC 's president , says his organisation can only respond to complaints , and never received one in this case .
9 Furthermore , the lawyer can only respond to knowledge that has already been established ; he has little scientific imagination , especially when it comes to pushing at the frontiers of advancing aerodynamics or similar matters .
10 Of course , the marginal revenue of Division A is simply the transfer price as it can only sell to Division B. So we should work out A 's marginal costs at the required level of group activity and set the transfer price equal to that .
11 Most pubs in the country are owned by the big six breweries , so Glennie Brewery can only sell to freehouses .
12 We can only write to people we know it might well be twenty out of thirty houses wanted
13 Since the Judicature Act , just as much as before it , if A sells the property to C , who knows nothing of the trust , and transfers the legal ownership to him , B's rights to the property are destroyed ; he can only look to A for compensation for the breach of trust .
14 You can only get to Rudolfo 's by the road we took the other day when they found the car- or else on foot there 's a bit of a patch half a kilometre on from here — and in any case Rudolfo wo n't be down until tomorrow , being Palm Sunday .
15 A grossly unstable patient from a referring hospital turns out to be a typical ( for us ) unstable angina ; a patient with life-threatening ventricular tachycardia can only come to Barts for the appropriate highly specialised medical or nursing therapy ( or one of the few other centres , most of which are also on the Tomlinson hit-list ) .
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